Universal Journal of Physics and Application  

Universal Journal of Physics and Application is an international peer-reviewed journal that publishes original and high-quality research papers in all areas of physics. As an important academic exchange platform, scientists and researchers can know the most up-to-date academic trends and seek valuable primary sources for reference.

ISSN: 2331-6535 (Print)

ISSN: 2331-6543 (Online)

Contact Us: ujpa.editor@hrpub.org or editor@hrpub.org

Website: https://www.hrpub.org/journals/jour_info.php?id=84

Call for Special Issues

Beyond Special Theory of Relativity

Special Theory of Relativity (STR) lives with us more than a hundred years. As every other physical theory, regardless of its well established foundation, it should be permanently subjected to experimental and theoretical verifications. This is an inherent attribute of any theory because all theories are only approximations to a description of Nature.
There is no doubt that STR is a very good and fruitful theory. But it is not an ideal and ultimate theory. It is expected that a real progress may be achieved only if STR could be located in an appropriate surroundings which will allow to see more deeply the content of this theory and simultaneously will allow to go beyond the standard STR. We hope that a sufficient number of physicists share our view and will contribute to the Special Issue of the Universal Journal of Physics and Application entitled "Beyond Special Theory of Relativity".

Subjects Coverage
Topics appropriate to this special issue include, but are not limited to:
. Critical review of foundation of STR with an emphasize on the conventional assumptions
. The meaning and consequences of conventionality in STR
. Possible deformations of Lorentz transformations
. Generalizations of STR

List of Guest Editors
Prof. Edward Kapuscik
Department of Physics and Applied informatics
University of Lodz
Henryk Niewodniczanski Institute of Nuclear Physics PAS
E-mail: sectionujpa@gmail.com

Prof. Giovanni Salesi
Department of Engineering and Applied Sciences
State University of Bergamo
Viale Marconi 5, Dalmine (BG)
Milan Unit of National Institute of Nuclear Physics
Via Celoria 16, Milan
E-mail: salesi@unibg.it

Before submission authors should carefully read over the journal’s Author Guidelines, which are located at www.hrpub.org/journals/jour_guidelines.php. Prospective authors should submit an electronic copy of their complete manuscript through the Journal Manuscript Tracking System at http://www.hrpub.org/submission/login.php according to the following timetable:

Expression of interest (and an abstract) to sectionujpa@gmail.com due date: July 1, 2015
Review results: September, 2015
Deadline for revision: November 1, 2015
Notification of final decision: December 1, 2015
Approximate publication date: December 31, 2015

Universal Arrow of Time and Basic Paradoxes of Physics

Statistical classical mechanics, quantum mechanics and gravity theory (quantum and non-quantum) are all developed and well-known theories. These theories represent the basis of modern physics. Nevertheless, they contain a number of paradoxes, for example: the entropy increase paradox Schrodinger’s cat paradox, information paradox of black holes, grandfather paradox. These paradoxes force many scientists to doubt the internal consistency of these theories. However, the given paradoxes can be resolved within the framework of existing physics without introducing any new laws.
The last investigation demonstrates that resolution of these paradoxes is connected to existence of Universal Arrow of Time.

Subjects Coverage
The main aim of this special issue is getting opinion of the leading modern scientists about Universal Arrow of Time and Basic Paradoxes of Physics. Topics appropriate to this special issue include, but are not limited to:
. The Entropy Increase Paradox
. Schrodinger's Cat Paradox
. Information Paradox of Black Holes
. Grandfather Paradox
. Universal Arrow of Time

List of Guest Editors
Lead Guest Editor
Dr. Oleg Kupervasser
Moscow State University, Russia
E-mail: olegkup@yahoo.com

Guest Editors
Dr. Simon Kogan
University of Haifam, Israel
E-mail: simonkog@gmail.com

Before submission authors should carefully read over the journal’s Author Guidelines, which are located at www.hrpub.org/journals/jour_guidelines.php. Prospective authors should submit an electronic copy of their complete manuscript through the Journal Manuscript Tracking System at http://www.hrpub.org/submission/login.php according to the following timetable:

Expression of interest (and an abstract) to olegkup@yahoo.com due date: 15.10.2015
Review results: 31.11.2015
Deadline for revision: 15.12.2015
Notification of final decision: 15.01.2016
Approximate publication Date: 01.02.2016

Casimir Effect, the Electron Stability and Dynamical Mass Phenomena: Classical and Quantum Field Theory Description

In his famous paper "Introductory Remarks on Quantum Electrodynamics" H.B.G. Casimir, being stimulated by his investigation of the vacuum-.uctuation-driven attractive force between conducting plates (the Casimir force), suggested a semiclassical model of the electron within the spirit of Lorentz.s theory of the electron. Such a model, being out of favor in terms of providing a realistic description of the quantum electron, nonetheless it remains potentially not exhausted and still possesses many unveiled physically important features. As it is well known, Casimir suggested two models, the second of which is based on a dense shell-like distribution of charge which might partially (as in the Casimir Effect, generally), or even wholly, suppresses vacuum fields in the interior of the shell. An important question is still up to date left concerning a quantum .eld theoretical description of the related additive in.nite negative mass within the QED renormalization approach. As is well known, the proper-time is attributed to Minkowski. Although it was namely Poincare, who discovered the proper-time, it was Minkowski who recognized its importance in physical theory and showed that it is the only unique variable associated with the source and available to all observers. This idea was later deeply re-analyzed by R. Feynman and further it was suitably developed within the Lagrangian and Hamiltonian description of the electron dynamics. The successful application of the least action principle within the Feynman proper time paradigm is believed to give rise to the charged particle „dynamical" mass explanation, thereby finally solving the well known Abraham-Lorentz-Dirac 4/3-electron mass problem. The further both the classical and quantuum field theory descriptions of these two Casimir related phenomema concerning the classical stability of electron and its related dynamical mass expression are wanted and form a main trend of the Proposal.

Subjects Coverage
Topics appropriate to this special issue include, but are not limited to:
The Casimir related phenomena and their modern field-theoretic description concerning the stability of electron and its dynamical mass nature

Lead Guest Editor
Prof. Anatolij Prykarpatski
AGH University of Science and Technology of Krakow, Poland
E-mail: prykanat@cybergal.com

List of Guest Editors
Harold Puthoff
Institute for Advanced Study, Austin, TX, USA
E-mail: puthoff@aol.com

Edward Kapuscik
Institute of Nuclear Physics, Krakow, Poland
E-mail: sectionujpa@gmail.com

Vasyl Gafiychuk
NASA Ames Research Center, Moffett Field, CA 94035-1000, USA, Moffett Field, CA, USA
E-mail: vagaf@yahoo.com

Maciej Blaszak
Department of Mathematical Physics, Poznan University, Poznan, Poland
E-mail: blaszakm@amu.edu.pl

Oleksandr Gavrilik
Institute for Theoretical Physics of National Academy of Sciences, Kyiv, Ukraine
E-mail: omgavr@bitp.kiev.ua

Yuriy Yaremko
Institute for Condensed Matter Physics of NAS, Lviv, Ukraine
E-mail: yaremko.yurij@gmail.com

Jan Slawianowoski
Institute of Fundamental Technological Research of Polish Academy of Sciences, Warsaw, Poland
E-mail: jslawian@ippt.pan.pl

Volodymyr Simulik
Institute of Electron Physics of National Academy of Sciences, Uzhgorod, Ukraine
E-mail: vsimulik@gmail.com

Dozyslav Kurylyak
Physics-Mechanics Institute of NAS, Lviv, Ukraine
E-mail: kuryliak@pancha.lviv.ua

Before submission authors should carefully read over the journal’s Author Guidelines, which are located at www.hrpub.org/journals/jour_guidelines.php. Prospective authors should submit an electronic copy of their complete manuscript through the Journal Manuscript Tracking System at http://www.hrpub.org/submission/login.php according to the following timetable:

Expression of interest (and an abstract) to prykanat@cybergal.com due date: 15.12.2015
Review results: 31.01.2016
Deadline for revision: 15.02.2016
Notification of final decision: 29.02.2016
Approximate publication date: 15.03.2016