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Universal Journal of Public Health
Universal Journal of Public Health is an international peer-reviewed journal that publishes original and high-quality research papers in all areas of public health. As an important academic exchange platform, scientists and researchers can know the most up-to-date academic trends and seek valuable primary sources for reference.
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Vol 5(Aug, 2017) No 5
The Co-production of Biomedical Research in Canada: Are Scientists Ready to Take the Plunge? An Empirical Example from Food Allergy Research
Jenna Dixon, Susan J. Elliott, Ann. E. Clarke
[Abstract] [Full Text] [Full Article - PDF] pp. 197 - 205
DOI: 10.13189/ujph.2017.050501
Screening for Type 2 Diabetes Risk Factors in a Greek Municipality towards Health-literate Healthcare
Bakides Sofoclis, Kushitashvili Nino, Sakellariadis George
[Abstract] [Full Text] [Full Article - PDF] pp. 206 - 216
DOI: 10.13189/ujph.2017.050502
The Effects of Recreational and Sports Activities on Psychological Status in Young People Aged 11-13 Years
Yener Aksoy, Soner Çankaya, M. Yalçın Taşmektepligil
[Abstract] [Full Text] [Full Article - PDF] pp. 217 - 221
DOI: 10.13189/ujph.2017.050503
The Role of Drinking Places in Enhancing Risky Sexual Behaviours and the Spread of HIV/AIDS amongst the Tiv People of Benue State, Central Nigeria
Timiun, Godwin Aondohemba, Timothy Scrase
[Abstract] [Full Text] [Full Article - PDF] pp. 222 - 230
DOI: 10.13189/ujph.2017.050504
A Quarter for Prevention? Global Fund Investments in HIV Prevention Interventions in Generalized African Epidemics
Gemma Oberth, Mary Ann Torres, Olive Mumba, Michael O'Connor
[Abstract] [Full Text] [Full Article - PDF] pp. 231 - 241
DOI: 10.13189/ujph.2017.050505
Introducing a Sugar Tax, Morally Justifiable? A Debate on the Introduction of the UK Soft Drinks Industry Levy
Charlotte Cliffe
[Abstract] [Full Text] [Full Article - PDF] pp. 242 - 247
DOI: 10.13189/ujph.2017.050506
Delay in the Provision of Antiretroviral Therapy to HIV-infected TB Patients in Nigeria
B. Odume, I. Pathmanathan, S. Pals, K. Dokubo, D. Onotu, O. Obinna, D. Anand, Okuma J, E. Okpokoro, S. Dutt, E. Ekong, N. Chukwurah, P. Dakum, H. Tomlinson
[Abstract] [Full Text] [Full Article - PDF] pp. 248 - 255
DOI: 10.13189/ujph.2017.050507
Linking Weather Data, Satellite Imagery and Field Observations to Household Food Production and Child Undernutrition: An Exploratory Study in Burkina Faso
Sorgho R, Franke J, Simboro S, Barteit S, Phalkey R, Sauerborn R
[Abstract] [Full Text] [Full Article - PDF] pp. 256 - 270
DOI: 10.13189/ujph.2017.050508
Biomedical, Sharps and General Waste Disposal in India: Potential for the Spread of Contagious Diseases and Serious Environmental Contamination
Vasudha Iyengar, Md Rafiqul Islam
[Abstract] [Full Text] [Full Article - PDF] pp. 271 - 274
DOI: 10.13189/ujph.2017.050509
Are Australian Regional Hospitals Doing Enough for Coeliac Disease Testing in 2012-2013? A Pilot Study
Shu Wen Xu, Rafiqul Islam, Arup Bhattacharya
[Abstract] [Full Text] [Full Article - PDF] pp. 275 - 278
DOI: 10.13189/ujph.2017.050510
Learning Styles and Use of Clinical Knowledge Sources among Junior Doctors
Christian Gerdesköld, Eva Toth-Pal, Inger Wårdh, Lars-Erik Strender, Gunnar H. Nilsson
[Abstract] [Full Text] [Full Article - PDF] pp. 279 - 284
DOI: 10.13189/ujph.2017.050511