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Environment and Ecology Research 
Environment and Ecology Research is an international peer-reviewed journal that publishes original and high-quality research papers in all areas of environment and ecology. As an important academic exchange platform, scientists and researchers can know the most up-to-date academic trends and seek valuable primary sources for reference.
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Vol 13(Feb, 2025) No 1
Diversity, Distribution, and Phytocenology of the Genus Aegilops L. (Poaceae) in Uzbekistan
Mamatkasimov Odilbek, Kurbaniyazov Bakbergen, Maxmudov Azizbek, Allamurotov Akmal, Mavlanov Bekzod, Abduraimov Ozodbek
[Abstract] [Full Text] [Full Article - PDF] pp. 1 - 15
DOI: 10.13189/eer.2025.130101
Activity Budgeting of Lesser Adjutant Stork (Leptoptilos javanicus) in Nagaon District of Assam
Baishali Das, Bhabana Das, Chayanika Saikia, Kangkana Medhi, Jyotiprakash Boro, Afifa Kausar, Sasanka Sekhar Ghosh, Jyotismita Das
[Abstract] [Full Text] [Full Article - PDF] pp. 16 - 24
DOI: 10.13189/eer.2025.130102
An Empirical Study of Meteorological Data-driven Electric Energy Consumption Prediction for Smart Campuses
Qiangjun Liu
[Abstract] [Full Text] [Full Article - PDF] pp. 25 - 37
DOI: 10.13189/eer.2025.130103