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Universal Journal of Agricultural Research 
Universal Journal of Agricultural Research is an international peer-reviewed journal that publishes original and high-quality research papers in all areas of agriculture . As an important academic exchange platform, scientists and researchers can know the most up-to-date academic trends and seek valuable primary sources for reference.
ISSN: 2332-2268 (Print)
ISSN: 2332-2284 (Online)
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Vol 8(Nov, 2020) No 6
Soft Copy, Cover Page, Table of Contents, Editorial, and Others
Socio-economic Situation of Poultry Farmer and the Local Chicken Production System of the East-Coast of Madagascar
Sendramampionona Rantenaina Ursule, Hantanirina Herisoa Isabelle, Rabearimisa Rivo Nirina, Zafitody Conscient, Bola Aldiel, Andriamananjara Andry, Randrianariveloseheno Arsène Jules
[Abstract] [Full Text] [Full Article - PDF] pp. 185 - 201
DOI: 10.13189/ujar.2020.080601
Potential Synergistic Action of Liquid Olive Fruit Polyphenol Extract with Aqueous Extracts of Solid Wastes of Pomegranate or/and Orange Juice Industry as Organic Phyto-protective Agents against Important Plant Pathogens - Part 1 (in vitro Studies)
Stefanos Leontopoulos, Chrisanthi Mitsagga, Ioannis Giavasis, Christina Papaioannou, Ioannis Vasilakoglou, Konstantinos Petrotos
[Abstract] [Full Text] [Full Article - PDF] pp. 202 - 222
DOI: 10.13189/ujar.2020.080602
Early Growth Response of Hararghe Coffee Selections to Soil Moisture Deficit at Seedling Stage at Mechara, Eastern Ethiopia
Adisu Wegari, Mohammedsani Amin
[Abstract] [Full Text] [Full Article - PDF] pp. 223 - 232
DOI: 10.13189/ujar.2020.080603
Capacity Building for Dairy Farmers towards Commercialization of Green Corn Silage, Haylage and Urea Molasses Mineral Block
Nilo E. Padilla, Joe Ann G. Payne, Visitacion S. Simbulan, Ralph John S. Lapastura, Errol John A. Cadeliña
[Abstract] [Full Text] [Full Article - PDF] pp. 233 - 240
DOI: 10.13189/ujar.2020.080604