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Mathematics and Statistics
Mathematics and Statistics is an international peer-reviewed journal that publishes original and high-quality research papers in all areas of mathematics and statistics. As an important academic exchange platform, scientists and researchers can know the most up-to-date academic trends and seek valuable primary sources for reference.
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Vol 5(Jan, 2017) No 1
A Weighted Exponential Model for Grouped Line Transect Data
Fahid Al Eibood, Omar Eidous
[Abstract] [Full Text] [Full Article - PDF] pp. 1 - 4
DOI: 10.13189/ms.2017.050101
Bilinear Multipliers of Weighted Lorentz Spaces and Variable Exponent Lorentz Spaces
Öznur Kulak, A. Turan Gürkanlı
[Abstract] [Full Text] [Full Article - PDF] pp. 5 - 18
DOI: 10.13189/ms.2017.050102
A Remark on Exponential Dynamical Localization in a Long-range Potential
Victor Chulaevsky
[Abstract] [Full Text] [Full Article - PDF] pp. 19 - 24
DOI: 10.13189/ms.2017.050103
Social Development of Iraqi Governorates in Comparison
Iftikhar I. M. Naqash
[Abstract] [Full Text] [Full Article - PDF] pp. 25 - 32
DOI: 10.13189/ms.2017.050104
SETAR (Self-exciting Threshold Autoregressive) Non-linear Currency Modelling in EUR/USD, EUR/TRY and USD/TRY Parities
Emrah Hanifi Firat
[Abstract] [Full Text] [Full Article - PDF] pp. 33 - 55
DOI: 10.13189/ms.2017.050105