Civil Engineering and Architecture Vol. 8(5), pp. 984 - 992
DOI: 10.13189/cea.2020.080525
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Typology of Peri-Urban Area Based on Physical and Social Aspects in Marisa, Indonesia

Irwan Wunarlan 1,2,*, Sugiono Soetomo 3, Iwan Rudiarto 4
1 Doctoral Candidate of Architecture and Urban Engineering, Universitas Diponegoro, Semarang, Indonesia
2 Lecturer of Architecture, Faculty of Engineering, Universitas Negeri Gorontalo, Indonesia
3 Lecturer at Postgraduate Program of Architecture and Urban Engineering, Universitas Negeri Gorontalo, Indonesia
4 Lecturer at Postgraduate Program of Urban and Regional Planning, Universitas Diponegoro, Semarang, Indonesia


Peri-urban is commonly defined as an area around the sub-urban region that has the hybrid characteristics between an urban area and a rural area. The study aimed to investigate the change of regional typology due to the progress of the peri-urban area in Marisa based on the physical and social aspects in 1980 and in 2017. Encompassing two districts, the study employed descriptive-quantitative method and analysis techniques, i.e., overlay, scoring, and spatial. The results showed that in 1980, four districts were included in the rural frame zone (zona bidang desa) category. Moreover, seven sub-districts were categorized as rural-urban frame zone (zona bidang desa kota) while the rest were included in the rural frame zone category. In 2017, a change of typology from rural-urban frame zone to urban-rural frame zone occurred in several villages/sub-districts, i.e., Libuo, South Marisa, North Marisa, and Pohuwato. Over a span of 37 years, the typology of several sub-districts has changed from rural frame zone to urban frame zone in Libuo, South Marisa, North Marisa, and Pohuwato village/sub-district. The urban sprawl in areas in Marisa has increased the need for an integrated policy to create a balanced spatial development.

Peri-Urban Area, Spatial, Village/ Sub-district, City, Marisa

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(a). IEEE Format:
[1] Irwan Wunarlan , Sugiono Soetomo , Iwan Rudiarto , "Typology of Peri-Urban Area Based on Physical and Social Aspects in Marisa, Indonesia," Civil Engineering and Architecture, Vol. 8, No. 5, pp. 984 - 992, 2020. DOI: 10.13189/cea.2020.080525.

(b). APA Format:
Irwan Wunarlan , Sugiono Soetomo , Iwan Rudiarto (2020). Typology of Peri-Urban Area Based on Physical and Social Aspects in Marisa, Indonesia. Civil Engineering and Architecture, 8(5), 984 - 992. DOI: 10.13189/cea.2020.080525.