Advances in Economics and Business Vol. 2(1), pp. 29 - 36
DOI: 10.13189/aeb.2014.020105
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The Factors of Trust and Perceived Usefulness, for the Satisfaction of Piraeus Bank I-Banking Customers, Economic Analysis and Econometric Approach

Zoyros Chrisovalantis 1, Spinthiropoulos Konstantinos 2,*
1 MSc in Banking - Hellenic Open University, Veria, 59100, Greece
2 Spinthiropoulos Konstantinos, Department of Accounting and Finance, Technological Educational Institute of Western Macedonia, Kozani, 50100, Greece


We are living in Digital World and the Digital Revolution brings New Technologies at a very rabid pace. These amazing paces increased rapidly the speed of transmission of information via the internet. The Banking sector could not stay away from these technological changes. All over the world banking transaction were realized by the use of new technologies. The new technologies penetrations into the banking sector and the Internet banking use have continually marked an upward movement. Targeting to adopt and use the Internet Banking of Piraeus Bank, the customers demands should be met through the services. This paper focuses on the factors of service quality of Piraeus Bank and their impact on customer’s satisfaction. The customer satisfaction is proportionally related to the Internet Banking services quality. In the framework of this research, based on the questionnaires, the economic analysis and the econometric approach, it is obviously substantiated that the factors, Trust and Perceived usefulness, are main to the high quality services provision and the customers are satisfied as far as these factors reach the high quality and meet their expectations.

Internet Banking, Winbank, Service Quality, Customer Satisfaction, Trust, Perceived Usefulness, Enrollment Rate of New Customers

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(a). IEEE Format:
[1] Zoyros Chrisovalantis , Spinthiropoulos Konstantinos , "The Factors of Trust and Perceived Usefulness, for the Satisfaction of Piraeus Bank I-Banking Customers, Economic Analysis and Econometric Approach," Advances in Economics and Business, Vol. 2, No. 1, pp. 29 - 36, 2014. DOI: 10.13189/aeb.2014.020105.

(b). APA Format:
Zoyros Chrisovalantis , Spinthiropoulos Konstantinos (2014). The Factors of Trust and Perceived Usefulness, for the Satisfaction of Piraeus Bank I-Banking Customers, Economic Analysis and Econometric Approach. Advances in Economics and Business, 2(1), 29 - 36. DOI: 10.13189/aeb.2014.020105.