Civil Engineering and Architecture Vol. 8(5), pp. 908 - 915
DOI: 10.13189/cea.2020.080518
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Regeneration as a Tool for Enhancing Vitality of Urban Spaces

Rokhsaneh Rahbarianyazd *
Department of Architecture, Alanya Hamdullah Emin Paşa University, Alanya/Antalya, Turkey


The recent discussion regarding contemporary urban regeneration has underlined its increasing role to revive cities. In the mid-19th century, the process of urban regeneration commenced through upgrading the already built areas, particularly where there is evidence of urban deterioration. This study by using qualitative grounded theory, hypothesized that attaining an effective urban regeneration involves an increasing quality of life and vitality. The study revealed that a successful urban regeneration involves social, environmental and economic aspects which have been neglected in several cases of urban regeneration policies. Moreover, contemporary urban regeneration can rectify the mistakes of past policies and improve the quality of urban spaces to where people want to live. In doing so, the study concludes that to have a successful urban regeneration policy, different dimensions of urban design need to be considered. Furthermore, the current study examines the ways in which urban regeneration is changing the cities and neighborhoods.

Urban Regeneration, Vitality, Dimensions of Urban Design

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(a). IEEE Format:
[1] Rokhsaneh Rahbarianyazd , "Regeneration as a Tool for Enhancing Vitality of Urban Spaces," Civil Engineering and Architecture, Vol. 8, No. 5, pp. 908 - 915, 2020. DOI: 10.13189/cea.2020.080518.

(b). APA Format:
Rokhsaneh Rahbarianyazd (2020). Regeneration as a Tool for Enhancing Vitality of Urban Spaces. Civil Engineering and Architecture, 8(5), 908 - 915. DOI: 10.13189/cea.2020.080518.