Civil Engineering and Architecture Vol. 8(5), pp. 838 - 845
DOI: 10.13189/cea.2020.080511
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Experimental Investigation on Augmenting the Discharge over Ogee Spillways with Nanocement

N. Muthukumaran 1, G. Prince Arulraj 2,*
1 Department of Civil Engineering, Karunya Institute of Technology and Sciences, India
2 Karunya Institute of Technology and Sciences, India


Due to urbanization, the infiltration has decreased drastically resulting in more runoff. Due to this, dams are receiving more runoff than the design runoff. To avoid over topping of dams due to this excess runoff, the capacity of the spillways has to be augmented. The objective of this research is to determine the effect of nano material on increasing the discharge capacity of Ogee spillways. Ogee spillways were constructed in a rectangular flume. Experiments were carried on a tilting flume of size 10 m X 0.55 m X 0.6 m. The Ogee spillway model was fabricated and plastered with cement mortar 1:3. Three slopes were used and laboratory experiments were performed with varying heads. Another Ogee spillway was made and plastered with cement mortar 1:3 in which 30 % cement was replaced with nano cement. The discharges for the three slopes (0.003333, 0.007778, and 0.012222) were found for Ogee spillway plastered with cement mortar and also for the Ogee spillway plastered with 30 % of nano cement by varying the heads between 0.5 cm and 5 cm above the crest of the spillway in steps of 0.5 cm. It is found that spillway with 30 % nano cement replacement gives more discharge than the spillway plastered with normal cement mortar. Experimental investigations related to porosity, roughness height and SEM analysis also prove that replacement of nanomaterial improves the surface smoothness and hence increasing the carrying capacity of the spillway.

Ogee Spillway, Ordinary Portland Cement, Nanocement, Porosity, Roughness Height, SEM Analysis

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(a). IEEE Format:
[1] N. Muthukumaran , G. Prince Arulraj , "Experimental Investigation on Augmenting the Discharge over Ogee Spillways with Nanocement," Civil Engineering and Architecture, Vol. 8, No. 5, pp. 838 - 845, 2020. DOI: 10.13189/cea.2020.080511.

(b). APA Format:
N. Muthukumaran , G. Prince Arulraj (2020). Experimental Investigation on Augmenting the Discharge over Ogee Spillways with Nanocement. Civil Engineering and Architecture, 8(5), 838 - 845. DOI: 10.13189/cea.2020.080511.