Journals Information
Universal Journal of Educational Research Vol. 8(8), pp. 3392 - 3397
DOI: 10.13189/ujer.2020.080812
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Perspectives on the Improving Quality of Language Education: The Case of Moscow Aviation Institute
Irina Korotaeva *, Oksana Chuksina
Institute of Foreign languages, Moscow Aviation Institute (National Research University), Russia
At present, The Unified State Exam in foreign languages is taken only by the applicants of Russian language universities and faculties, but it will become obligatory for everybody in 2022 regardless of the choice of their future specialty. In the run-up of this innovation, we have conducted a survey to determine the correlation between the quality of language education in non-linguistic universities and the students' experience of learning English before the University. Russian and international standards of engineering education are discussed in the article in terms of the communicative competence. We compare the target skills of the Unified State Exam and the English program for non-linguistic universities. The aim of our work is to show that the high requirements for foreign language competence of graduates of non-linguistic universities can be achieved if the English level of the applicants is improved. It is highlighted that the effective use of progressive methods of teaching a foreign language is hampered in multi-level mixed-ability classes. The research sample consisted of 517 students; it was conducted in the Department of Foreign Languages for Aerospace Specialties in Moscow Aviation Institute. The results of the survey illustrate the actual quality of language education of the students and their motivation to learn General, Academic, Business and Aviation English at the university at an upgraded level.
Quality of Education, The Unified State Exam in Foreign Languages, A Curricular in Foreign Languages for Non-linguistic Universities, Engineering Education Standards
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[1] Irina Korotaeva , Oksana Chuksina , "Perspectives on the Improving Quality of Language Education: The Case of Moscow Aviation Institute," Universal Journal of Educational Research, Vol. 8, No. 8, pp. 3392 - 3397, 2020. DOI: 10.13189/ujer.2020.080812.
(b). APA Format:
Irina Korotaeva , Oksana Chuksina (2020). Perspectives on the Improving Quality of Language Education: The Case of Moscow Aviation Institute. Universal Journal of Educational Research, 8(8), 3392 - 3397. DOI: 10.13189/ujer.2020.080812.