Universal Journal of Management Vol. 8(4), pp. 181 - 194
DOI: 10.13189/ujm.2020.080407
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Organizational Diagnosis and Organizational Development Model: Integration of Psychoanalytic Determinants

Steven H. Appelbaum *
Department of Management, John Molson School of Business, Concordia University, Montreal, Canada


This article reviews historical and current research focusing upon the failures and inadequacies associated with management and organizational development efforts, the role of the consultant in diagnosing organizational dysfunction. It further proposes a psychoanalytic model to serve as an organizational behavior blueprint. The model developed and processes identified are an intensive, prolonged technique to understand and identify the behavioral systems that trigger conflicts within the organization with significance attached to conflict and repression from early stages in the growth of an organization and its human resources-its people. The model synthesizes the research of psychoanalytic theory and organizational development (OD) processes in examining the components and effects of pain, affection, aggression, dependency and ego-ideal as interrelated forces. The impact of some of the historical founders of OD as well as Harry Levinson's psychoanalytic theory contribution will also be incorporated in this article. Examining relationships between intervention levels and component parts is the primary step to be taken in diagnosing, developing and changing the organization and environmental domain to an organic, reality-centered entity. The intra and interrelationships between the four intervention levels (individual, group, organization and environment) and the 30 variables uniquely, presents an overwhelming task for the organizational development consultant to diagnose, describe and hopefully change as the combination of psychoanalytic elements and organizational processes are complex and enigmatic at the individual/group levels with a multiplier effect illuminating the organizational and environment domains. The study of organizational diagnosis models is paramount for OD practitioners, because diagnostic models help to reveal key organizational gaps, and critical areas to focus. Moreover, this analysis emphasized the role of the OD practitioner as an advisor, helping clients identify the most appropriate diagnostic model -given the intervention objectives, and the organizational culture, and using feedback mechanisms to channel results in a non-threatening mode to later focus targeted OD interventions for the improvement of organizational effectiveness. The development of a conceptual model intended to diagnose the individual and total elements of the system is the primary step to be taken in this change effort.

Organizational Diagnosis, Organizational Development, Psychoanalytic Theory, Intervention Levels, Management Development

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(a). IEEE Format:
[1] Steven H. Appelbaum , "Organizational Diagnosis and Organizational Development Model: Integration of Psychoanalytic Determinants," Universal Journal of Management, Vol. 8, No. 4, pp. 181 - 194, 2020. DOI: 10.13189/ujm.2020.080407.

(b). APA Format:
Steven H. Appelbaum (2020). Organizational Diagnosis and Organizational Development Model: Integration of Psychoanalytic Determinants. Universal Journal of Management, 8(4), 181 - 194. DOI: 10.13189/ujm.2020.080407.