Universal Journal of Educational Research Vol. 2(1), pp. 51 - 63
DOI: 10.13189/ujer.2014.020106
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An Exploratory Study on Simulated Teaching as Experienced by Education Students

Janet Presnilla-Espada *
Leyte Normal University, Philippines, Lungsod ng Tacloban, Juan Luna St


Empirical research has shown that simulated teaching could be one of the most powerful tools in preparing college education students for a solid field teaching experience. With the right function and mechanics, this pedagogy can equip students with the necessary teaching skills, aptitudes and competencies. Using a 30-item Likert-type Perceptions Scale on Simulated Teaching this 3- year exploratory study examined 352 undergraduate education students’ perceptions on their simulated teaching experience wrapped in a live action role play. The study, anchored on the model-centered instruction, transfer of learning and embodied cognition theories further probed into their beliefs, attitudes and responses in the course of the immersion process. Results showed that majority of the respondents strongly believed they should be exposed to teaching prior to practicum and agreed that early training could develop their competence in teaching. They showed a highly positive attitude towards simulated teaching as an effective way to acquire and apply both content and skills in teaching and learning. Based on the findings, it may be concluded that when simulated teaching functions under conditions such as clear goals, guidelines, proper mentoring and guidance from teachers, students are then able to unlock and develop their potentials and prepare for every issue they will face in their practicum stage. The study further confirms a long-held principle that prolonged practice builds expertise.

Simulation, Simulated Teaching, College Teaching, Student Teaching

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(a). IEEE Format:
[1] Janet Presnilla-Espada , "An Exploratory Study on Simulated Teaching as Experienced by Education Students," Universal Journal of Educational Research, Vol. 2, No. 1, pp. 51 - 63, 2014. DOI: 10.13189/ujer.2014.020106.

(b). APA Format:
Janet Presnilla-Espada (2014). An Exploratory Study on Simulated Teaching as Experienced by Education Students. Universal Journal of Educational Research, 2(1), 51 - 63. DOI: 10.13189/ujer.2014.020106.