Universal Journal of Educational Research Vol. 8(7), pp. 3251 - 3258
DOI: 10.13189/ujer.2020.080755
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Searching for Educational Ideas for Children in F. W. Parker's Life Path and Its Implications for Taiwan's Education

Yi-Huang Shih *
Department of Early Childhood Educare, Ching Kuo Institute of Management and Health, Taiwan


F. W. Parker was born in New Hampshire, New England, USA, in 1937. Parker's experiences of nature during the time he spent on a farm as a young boy comprise an important period in his life. Moreover, his practical experience of enrollment into teaching positions after graduation, his travels and study in European countries, his tenure as the Superintendent of the Quincy area, and, finally, his appointment as the Principal of Chicago Cook County Normal School are all important life events that shaped Parker's philosophy of children education. By reading and analyzing related literature, this essay searches for educational ideas for children in Parker's light of life path and investigates its implications for Taiwan's education. Parker's educational ideas for children are as follows: (1) children need to be closer to nature, (2) play can ensure a happy life for children in the future, (3) nature music should be integrated into children's learning, (4) teachers should integrate stories into their teaching, (5) teachers need to motivate children's learning interests, (6) children's attention requires cultivation, (7) children should enjoy freedom of expression, and (8) children should be at the center of education processes. Finally, ideas inspired by Parker's life path are applied to contemporary education in Taiwan. The author discusses enlightenment from three aspects: experimental education, adaptive education, and the practice of educational love. This essay hopes to broaden the understanding of Parker's educational ideas for children and utilize this knowledge to expand the horizon of Taiwanese education.

Adaptive Education, Childhood Education, Experimental Education, F. W. Parker

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(a). IEEE Format:
[1] Yi-Huang Shih , "Searching for Educational Ideas for Children in F. W. Parker's Life Path and Its Implications for Taiwan's Education," Universal Journal of Educational Research, Vol. 8, No. 7, pp. 3251 - 3258, 2020. DOI: 10.13189/ujer.2020.080755.

(b). APA Format:
Yi-Huang Shih (2020). Searching for Educational Ideas for Children in F. W. Parker's Life Path and Its Implications for Taiwan's Education. Universal Journal of Educational Research, 8(7), 3251 - 3258. DOI: 10.13189/ujer.2020.080755.