Universal Journal of Educational Research Vol. 8(7), pp. 2907 - 2913
DOI: 10.13189/ujer.2020.080718
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Job Satisfaction and Performance of Elementary School Teachers in Southern Papua, Indonesia

Paulina Wula 1, Berlinda Setyo Yunarti 1, Agustinus Kia Wolomasi 1, Donatus Wea Turu 1, Mozes M. Wulur 2, Martinus M. Krowin 2, Sandra Ingried Asaloei 3, Basilius Redan Werang 4,*
1 Catholic College of Santo Yakobus, Merauke, Indonesia
2 Faculty of Educational Science, Universitas Negeri Manado, Manado, Indonesia
3 Faculty of Administrative Science, Universitas Sam Ratulangi, Manado, Indonesia
4 Faculty of Teacher Training and Education, Universitas Musamus Merauke, Merauke, Indonesia


The high level of elementary school teacher absenteeism in Papua in general and in Southern Papua in particular has greatly impacted on teachers' performance in educating students. In this point, the elementary school students' inability in mastering basic reading, writing, and arithmetic (3-Rs) should be attributed to the low performance of elementary school teachers of Southern Papua, both inside and outside the classroom. As the researchers have widely identified the job satisfaction as one of the most predicting factors for the job performance, this study seeks to examine the job satisfaction and its eventual effects on job performance of teachers in elementary schools of Southern Papua. A survey approach was used to attain this goal. To collect the data, two types of Indonesian language version of questionnaire were distributed to a total of 1062 informants. In order that all the questionnaire were completely filled up and returned in 100% response rate by the informants, we employed a face-to-face method by asking the consent of each informant to fill-up the questionnaire and returned it directly to our team. Applying the simple linear regression analysis as a tool for analyzing data, the result showed that the coefficient value of R2 is .089 and the ρ value is .000. It inferred that 8.9 % of the job performance of elementary school teachers within the area of Southern Papua, Indonesia, is significantly positively predicted by their personal satisfaction. Though the predicting value of the job satisfaction on the performance of teachers was categorized low (8.9 %), finding of this study may be imperative for the school principals to enhance teachers' job performance in the elementary schools of Southern Papua by promoting their job satisfaction. Finding of this study may supposedly enlarge the existing knowledge on the job satisfaction and performance of teachers by providing an empirical proof from the Southern Papua context.

Elementary Schools, Job, Performance, Satisfaction, Teacher

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(a). IEEE Format:
[1] Paulina Wula , Berlinda Setyo Yunarti , Agustinus Kia Wolomasi , Donatus Wea Turu , Mozes M. Wulur , Martinus M. Krowin , Sandra Ingried Asaloei , Basilius Redan Werang , "Job Satisfaction and Performance of Elementary School Teachers in Southern Papua, Indonesia," Universal Journal of Educational Research, Vol. 8, No. 7, pp. 2907 - 2913, 2020. DOI: 10.13189/ujer.2020.080718.

(b). APA Format:
Paulina Wula , Berlinda Setyo Yunarti , Agustinus Kia Wolomasi , Donatus Wea Turu , Mozes M. Wulur , Martinus M. Krowin , Sandra Ingried Asaloei , Basilius Redan Werang (2020). Job Satisfaction and Performance of Elementary School Teachers in Southern Papua, Indonesia. Universal Journal of Educational Research, 8(7), 2907 - 2913. DOI: 10.13189/ujer.2020.080718.