Universal Journal of Educational Research Vol. 8(6), pp. 2693 - 2700
DOI: 10.13189/ujer.2020.080654
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The Role of a Literary Education Teacher in the Process of Presentation of Artistic Narratives with the Shoah Theme

Milan Mašát *, Jana Sladová , Johana Hřivnová
Department of Czech Language and Literature, Faculty of Education, Palacký University Olomouc, Czech Republic


The paper deals with the role of a teacher of Literary Education in the field of artistic narratives with the theme of the Shoah. In the Shoah-related stories, recipients will find positive patterns of behavior: for example, the possibility of maintaining a democratic system, recognizing the germs of racism, xenophobia or anti-Semitism, or perceiving multiculturalism in society and its diversity as positive. The theoretical concept of the article is a compilation of opinions of current leading experts on methods of acquainting pupils with one line of World War II and on the position of a teacher in this process. We comment on the theoretical frameworks in the paper with an emphasis on the possible limits of given outlines in the application of real pedagogical practice (focusing on the Czech Republic). The article was preceded by detailed research on scholarly articles: most experts agree that a teacher who, for whatever reason, does not have a sufficient amount of professional knowledge from World War II must primarily become a pupil in order to be able to make a knowledgeable presentation of Shoah-related fictional stories. We see some limits to the ineffective use of the potential of the Shoah-texts in the fact that teachers of Literary Education in most cases do not know contemporary artistic intentional production with the theme of the event. For example, a compilation of a monothematic anthology of the Shoah texts composed primarily of contemporary intentional literary production with the theme of the Shoah, or based on research, targeted intervention in the area of literary teacher training aimed at the Second World War and its presentation in narratives for children and youth can be undertaken.

Shoah, Holocaust, Teacher, Literary Education, Shoah-Themed Narratives

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[1] Milan Mašát , Jana Sladová , Johana Hřivnová , "The Role of a Literary Education Teacher in the Process of Presentation of Artistic Narratives with the Shoah Theme," Universal Journal of Educational Research, Vol. 8, No. 6, pp. 2693 - 2700, 2020. DOI: 10.13189/ujer.2020.080654.

(b). APA Format:
Milan Mašát , Jana Sladová , Johana Hřivnová (2020). The Role of a Literary Education Teacher in the Process of Presentation of Artistic Narratives with the Shoah Theme. Universal Journal of Educational Research, 8(6), 2693 - 2700. DOI: 10.13189/ujer.2020.080654.