Journals Information
Universal Journal of Educational Research Vol. 8(6), pp. 2315 - 2325
DOI: 10.13189/ujer.2020.080615
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The Quality Level of Education of the Syrian Refugee Students in the North of Jordan: Educational Supervisors' Point of View
Omar AbdulRahim Ahmad Rababah *
Department of Educational Administration, Ajloun University College/ Al Balqa Applied University, Jordan
This study was conducted to identify the quality level of the education of the Syrian refugee students at the schools of the north of Jordan as seen by the educational supervisors and their proposals to improve it. The researcher adopted the analytical descriptive approach for the study. The population of the study consisted of all the educational supervisors of the governorates of education in the north of Jordan while the sample consisted of 110 members of them. The researcher designed a sixty item questionnaire as an instrument for collecting the data for the study. That came up with a set of findings, the most important of which are: The level of the quality of the education offered to Syrian students at the schools of the north of Jordan was average for all the variables of the study, but it was high for the curricula variable. The educational supervisors put forward a set of proposals to improve the level of the quality of the education offered to Syrian students at the schools of the north of Jordan such as: obtaining funding resources to finance the schools for the refugee Syrian students, solving the student family problems arising from the adverse refuge conditions of the families of the students , improving the curricula to suit the students conditions and their interests, providing the students with adequate knowledge of rules and regulations that serve them. The researcher discussed and interpreted the findings stressing that the important findings should be presented to the decision makers of the Jordanian Ministry of Education. The researcher recommended the following: implementing the proposals of the educational supervisors to raise the level of the quality of education, conducting a number of studies on the average quality variables, solving the families' problems because of the conditions of migration, improving the curricula to suit the conditions of the students and their interests, familiarizing the students with the rules and the regulations that serve their interests. Finally, the researcher discussed and interpreted the findings stressing that the important ones of them should be presented to the decision–makers of the Jordanian Ministry of Education.
Quality of Education, the Syrian Refugee Students, Educational Supervisors, Schools of the North of Jordan
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[1] Omar AbdulRahim Ahmad Rababah , "The Quality Level of Education of the Syrian Refugee Students in the North of Jordan: Educational Supervisors' Point of View," Universal Journal of Educational Research, Vol. 8, No. 6, pp. 2315 - 2325, 2020. DOI: 10.13189/ujer.2020.080615.
(b). APA Format:
Omar AbdulRahim Ahmad Rababah (2020). The Quality Level of Education of the Syrian Refugee Students in the North of Jordan: Educational Supervisors' Point of View. Universal Journal of Educational Research, 8(6), 2315 - 2325. DOI: 10.13189/ujer.2020.080615.