Natural Resources and Conservation Vol. 8(2), pp. 24 - 32
DOI: 10.13189/nrc.2020.080202
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Simplified Method of Discharge Measurement for Micro-Hydropower Capacity Assessment: A Case Study for a Small-Scale Agricultural Irrigation Canal

Jibsam F. Andres 1,2,*, Michael E. Loretero 3
1 Engineering Graduate Program, School of Engineering, University of San Carlos, Talamban Campus, Cebu City, 6000, Philippines
2 College of Engineering and Technology, Western Philippines University, Aborlan, Palawan 5302, Philippines
3 Department of Mechanical Engineering, University of San Carlos, Talamban Campus, Cebu City, 6000, Philippines


Discharge flow rates were used to assess and determines the hydropower capacity of water source. It is known that the procedure for discharge measurement using common methods requires multiple parameters. These parameters were measured respectively to determine the water power. In reality, water flow may not the same in the succeeding times. Therefore, parameters should be measured simultaneously will give a more relevant water profile assessment. Likewise, these common methods are not feasible during heavy water flow. With these, the study develops two things; 1.) the adjustment factors of different common methods in measuring water discharge, and 2.) the simplified method of weir method. The simplified approach of weir method measures the water discharged by measuring the overflow head of water above the weir crest. A simultaneous data observation was performed in the experiment to develop the simplified approach of weir method and derived adjustment factors of each method. The result shows that 3-point method of current flow-meter and float method gives almost the same as true discharge value. The true discharge value of the simplified method of weir method is multiplied by the adjusted factor equal to 0.81.

Irrigation Canal, Hydropower Capacity, Adjustment Factors, Discharge Measurement

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(a). IEEE Format:
[1] Jibsam F. Andres , Michael E. Loretero , "Simplified Method of Discharge Measurement for Micro-Hydropower Capacity Assessment: A Case Study for a Small-Scale Agricultural Irrigation Canal," Natural Resources and Conservation, Vol. 8, No. 2, pp. 24 - 32, 2020. DOI: 10.13189/nrc.2020.080202.

(b). APA Format:
Jibsam F. Andres , Michael E. Loretero (2020). Simplified Method of Discharge Measurement for Micro-Hydropower Capacity Assessment: A Case Study for a Small-Scale Agricultural Irrigation Canal. Natural Resources and Conservation, 8(2), 24 - 32. DOI: 10.13189/nrc.2020.080202.