Universal Journal of Educational Research Vol. 8(5A), pp. 89 - 94
DOI: 10.13189/ujer.2020.081913
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Proficiencies in Curriculum Aspects among School Improvement Specialist Coaches Plus (Sisc+)

Noel Jimbai Anak Balang *, Zamri Mahamod , Nor Aishah Buang
Faculty of Education, University Kebangsaan Malaysia, Malaysia


As being maintained by District Transformation Program 3.0 (DTP 3.0), both skills and knowledge in curriculum aspects are being established by the purposes of School Improvement Specialist Coaches Plus (SISC+). Accordingly, this research endeavoured to recognize the level of competency of SISC+ in curriculum viewpoints. This study adopted a quantitative approach by employing the survey method. Before being examined by utilising SPSS version 23, the data were amassed through a set of questionnaires. Those questionnaires were disseminated to 128 SISC+ throughout the nation. For this research, descriptive statistics concerning frequency, mean score, standard deviation and percentage were employed. With the mean score of 4.23, sd=0.561, the results unveiled that SISC+ competency level in curriculum knowledge is at a high standard. From the curriculum viewpoints of the subject being taught, the outcomes of this research proved that SISC+ is accountable and proficient. Besides, the conclusions of this research afforded discernment into the SISC+'s capacity in training teachers in school and their implementation of quality Teaching and Learning (T&L). Hence, the authority needs to grant support and cooperation to ensure SISC+ remains to be competent in rendering quality coaching to teachers.

School Improvement Specialist Coaches Plus (SISC+), District Transformation Programme 3.0(DTP 3.0), Teaching and Learning (T&L), Malaysia Education Blueprint 2013-2025 (MEB), Instructional Coaching (ICs)

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[1] Noel Jimbai Anak Balang , Zamri Mahamod , Nor Aishah Buang , "Proficiencies in Curriculum Aspects among School Improvement Specialist Coaches Plus (Sisc+)," Universal Journal of Educational Research, Vol. 8, No. 5A, pp. 89 - 94, 2020. DOI: 10.13189/ujer.2020.081913.

(b). APA Format:
Noel Jimbai Anak Balang , Zamri Mahamod , Nor Aishah Buang (2020). Proficiencies in Curriculum Aspects among School Improvement Specialist Coaches Plus (Sisc+). Universal Journal of Educational Research, 8(5A), 89 - 94. DOI: 10.13189/ujer.2020.081913.