Linguistics and Literature Studies Vol. 8(3), pp. 125 - 144
DOI: 10.13189/lls.2020.080306
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The Digital Linguistics: The Birth of Linguistic Humans 66,000 Years Ago in South Africa with Laryngeal Descent

Kumon Tokumaru *
Digital Linguist, Japan


Modern humans are linguistic humans, who acquired the logical properties of phonemes and morae in speech sound to generate an infinite number of word signs and to compose grammatically modulated sentences with complex meanings. 5KA (thousand years ago) they invented characters, which could display individual knowledge and intelligence to be shared and passed on to the following generations. Civilization itself is the linguistic phenomenon where knowledge and thoughts are transferred to subsequent generations via written documents, and very rapid consecutive innovations take place. In the 21st century, we are at the third and final stage of logical linguistic evolution with the interactive search and electric transfer of information via computer networks. It is necessary to clarify the in-brain mechanism for linguistic processing and intelligence to take full advantage of the final stage. The author outlines on the general overview of Digital Linguistics (DL) and identifies the birth of linguistic humans at the time of the laryngeal descent, which provided vowel accented syllables containing logical properties of phonemes and morae, to 66KA on the southern coastline of South Africa at the beginning of Howiesons Poort industry.

Linguistic Humans, Civilization, Howiesons Poort Neolithic Industry, Middle Stone Age (MSA) in South Africa, Inside Ventricle System Immune Networks, Mobile Neuron B Lymphocyte, Collective Human Intelligence

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(a). IEEE Format:
[1] Kumon Tokumaru , "The Digital Linguistics: The Birth of Linguistic Humans 66,000 Years Ago in South Africa with Laryngeal Descent," Linguistics and Literature Studies, Vol. 8, No. 3, pp. 125 - 144, 2020. DOI: 10.13189/lls.2020.080306.

(b). APA Format:
Kumon Tokumaru (2020). The Digital Linguistics: The Birth of Linguistic Humans 66,000 Years Ago in South Africa with Laryngeal Descent. Linguistics and Literature Studies, 8(3), 125 - 144. DOI: 10.13189/lls.2020.080306.