Civil Engineering and Architecture Vol. 8(2), pp. 113 - 126
DOI: 10.13189/cea.2020.080209
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Beyond the Riverside: An Alternative Sustainable Vision for Khartoum Riverfront Development

Ibrahim Zakaria Bahreldin 1,2,*
1 Department of Urban & Regional Planning, Faculty of Architecture & Planning, King Abdulaziz University, Saudi Arabia
2 Department of Planning and Urban Design, Faculty of Architecture, University of Khartoum, Sudan


The waterfront is the source of human civilization, culture, and the economy. A lot of beings depend on water for the life cycle in which humankind is no exception. Today, the entire human civilization is diligently associated with water areas such as rivers, seas, and oceans because they support sustainable transportation, habitat, and living. Such association is what brands waterfronts as one of the significant and useful urban regeneration concepts for cities and regions. Nonetheless, despite the attention has been assumed to Khartoum riverfront in the last two decades, the city is still unable to utilize it in terms of spatial capacities, environmental assets, and socio-cultural values. This article introduces a concept through which the riverfront assets of the city of Khartoum can be utilized and appropriated to improve the quality of it is riverfront. The objective of this paper is to provide a conceptual framework of riverfront development that is aimed at improving functional, socio-cultural, and environmental capacities of the city. This framework intended to make the Nile, and its tribunes the focus of daily life and maximize the interaction between the city and its water spaces. This concept is also expected to meet the escalating recreation demand, as witnessed by the rush on many new landscaped sites in different locations of Khartoum.

Waterfront Development, Mobility Integration, Khartoum Riverfront, Urban Regeneration, Khartoum

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(a). IEEE Format:
[1] Ibrahim Zakaria Bahreldin , "Beyond the Riverside: An Alternative Sustainable Vision for Khartoum Riverfront Development," Civil Engineering and Architecture, Vol. 8, No. 2, pp. 113 - 126, 2020. DOI: 10.13189/cea.2020.080209.

(b). APA Format:
Ibrahim Zakaria Bahreldin (2020). Beyond the Riverside: An Alternative Sustainable Vision for Khartoum Riverfront Development. Civil Engineering and Architecture, 8(2), 113 - 126. DOI: 10.13189/cea.2020.080209.