Civil Engineering and Architecture Vol. 8(2), pp. 55 - 65
DOI: 10.13189/cea.2020.080203
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Application of Sustainable Road Drainage System: Simulation by Using SWMM Program

Andung Yunianta *, Suripin , Bagus Hario Setiadji
Department of Civil Engineering, Diponegoro University, Indonesia


High levels of rainfall are generally followed by increased volume of surface runoff and the potential for standing water. Stagnant water on the roads has a negative impact on road users and road damage. The concept of sustainable road drainage has the potential to be developed in dealing with the quantity of runoff water. This study aims to evaluate the existing road drainage system and implement a sustainable road drainage system. The location chosen as the object of research is Diponegoro University Campus area, Tembalang District, Semarang City. Use of the SWMM program which contains a set of flexible hydraulic modeling capabilities used to direct runoff and external inflows through a network of pipe drainage systems, channels, storage units and diversion structures.From the results of the hydrograph analysis, the largest discharge was found in the Outfall of the Center for Environmental Research with a discharge of 5.7 m3 / sec and the lowest discharge at the outfall of the Faculty of Business Economics with a discharge of 0.07 m3 / sec. Whereas the longest flood time that occurred was at the Outfall of the Faculty of Business Economics with a time of 4 hours 45 minutes and the shortest flooding time was at the Jurang Belimbing Outfall with 1 hour and 15 minutes. The sustainable road drainage system model applied is a road drainage channel with the addition of fine and coarse aggregate filters to the channel and integrated with infiltration wells. Thus, the drainage channel is able to reduce surface water flow to other areas and improve water quality.

Sustainable Roads Drainage, Simulation, SWMM

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[1] Andung Yunianta , Suripin , Bagus Hario Setiadji , "Application of Sustainable Road Drainage System: Simulation by Using SWMM Program," Civil Engineering and Architecture, Vol. 8, No. 2, pp. 55 - 65, 2020. DOI: 10.13189/cea.2020.080203.

(b). APA Format:
Andung Yunianta , Suripin , Bagus Hario Setiadji (2020). Application of Sustainable Road Drainage System: Simulation by Using SWMM Program. Civil Engineering and Architecture, 8(2), 55 - 65. DOI: 10.13189/cea.2020.080203.