Universal Journal of Public Health Vol. 8(2), pp. 43 - 56
DOI: 10.13189/ujph.2020.080201
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Knowledge, Attitudes and Practices of Patients Diagnosed with Tuberculosis Related to Tuberculosis Treatment Adherence in Keetmanshoop District, Namibia

Elizabeth Kateta 1,*, Josephine De Villiers 2, Hermine Iita 3
1 Regional Health Training Centre, Keetmanshoop, Namibia
2 Nursing Degree Studies Nursing Science, University of Namibia, Windhoek Namibia
3 School of Public Health, University of Namibia, Oshakati Campus, Namibia


Ensuring that patients in chronic care and treatment such as tuberculosis adhere to medications has implications for their quality of life, health care costs and society at large. The purpose of this study was to assess and describe the knowledge, attitudes and practices of patients diagnosed with tuberculosis (TB) related to their treatments in Keetmanshoop district in Karas region, Namibia. A quantitative, cross sectional study was done among 76 patients who were receiving their TB treatment at various treatment centres in the district. Probability systematic random sampling method was used to select the participant for the study. Data was collected using a structured questionnaire, which was administered by trained interviewers. Data was analyzed using Epi-info software version 7. Analysis was done by means of a univariate and bi-variate analysis and association were explored using chi-squared test. The respondents were 18 to 60 years old of which 57.89 % were male and 42.11% were female. The findings of the study revealed that the respondents had a good knowledge on tuberculosis with regards to signs and symptoms of the disease. There was poor knowledge and misperceptions exist on the risk factors associated with transmission of tuberculosis such as shaking hands and drinking from the same cup with others. One third of the respondents (33 %, n=25) had missed their treatment and the main reasons given for interrupting the medication were forgetting to take the pills, long distance to health facility and not enough food to eat before taking pills. Treatment adherence is a big challenge in management and control of tuberculosis. Therefore, community and patient education and material support to patients remain important to ensure adherence to tuberculosis treatment. Stakeholder contributions and support are required to stem the scourge of TB in Namibia and globally.

Adherence, Attitudes, Knowledge, Patient, Practice, Tuberculosis

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(a). IEEE Format:
[1] Elizabeth Kateta , Josephine De Villiers , Hermine Iita , "Knowledge, Attitudes and Practices of Patients Diagnosed with Tuberculosis Related to Tuberculosis Treatment Adherence in Keetmanshoop District, Namibia," Universal Journal of Public Health, Vol. 8, No. 2, pp. 43 - 56, 2020. DOI: 10.13189/ujph.2020.080201.

(b). APA Format:
Elizabeth Kateta , Josephine De Villiers , Hermine Iita (2020). Knowledge, Attitudes and Practices of Patients Diagnosed with Tuberculosis Related to Tuberculosis Treatment Adherence in Keetmanshoop District, Namibia. Universal Journal of Public Health, 8(2), 43 - 56. DOI: 10.13189/ujph.2020.080201.