Universal Journal of Educational Research Vol. 8(1), pp. 169 - 177
DOI: 10.13189/ujer.2020.080121
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Educational Counselors' Self-efficacy and Professional Competence

Ali Saleh Jarwan 1, Basem Mohammed Al-frehat 2,*
1 Department of Counseling and Educational Psychology, Yarmouk University, Jordan
2 Department of Educational Science, Al-Balqa` Applied University, Jordan


The current study aimed to identify educational counselors' self-efficacy and professional competence in Ajloun Governorate of Jordan. It also investigated the extent to which such self-efficacy and professional competence may differ according to three variables: educational counselors' gender, the school stage and the number of experience years. To achieve this, all 88 educational counselors working at public schools in Ajloun Governorate were investigated. The measure of self-efficacy made of 31 paragraphs and the measure of professional competence made of 27 paragraphs were applied to them. The statistical analysis of mean and standard deviations, the 3-WAY-ANOVA analysis, and simple regression showed that the degree of self-efficacy of educational counselors was medium. The response mean of the total score was 3.59, whereas the degree of professional competence of educational counselors was high. The response mean of the total score was 3.76. Additionally, the results showed that there were no statistically significant differences, related to the degree of educational counselors' self-efficacy and professional competence, due to the educational counselors' gender or the school stage. The results also showed that there were statistically significant differences, related to the degree of educational counselors' self-efficacy and professional competence, due to the educational counselors' experience years for the benefit of those having (10-19) experience years. As well, the results of this study showed that there was a statistically positive impact between the degree of self-efficacy and that of professional competence of the educational counselors.

Self-efficacy, Professional Competence, Educational Counselors, Students, School

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(a). IEEE Format:
[1] Ali Saleh Jarwan , Basem Mohammed Al-frehat , "Educational Counselors' Self-efficacy and Professional Competence," Universal Journal of Educational Research, Vol. 8, No. 1, pp. 169 - 177, 2020. DOI: 10.13189/ujer.2020.080121.

(b). APA Format:
Ali Saleh Jarwan , Basem Mohammed Al-frehat (2020). Educational Counselors' Self-efficacy and Professional Competence. Universal Journal of Educational Research, 8(1), 169 - 177. DOI: 10.13189/ujer.2020.080121.