Advances in Zoology and Botany Vol. 8(1), pp. 20 - 28
DOI: 10.13189/azb.2020.080104
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Phenotypic Diversity within Ipomoea Mauritiana Jacq. (Ksheeravidari) Germplasm Collections

Lakshmi Mohan N. 1,*, SadheeshnaKumari S. 2, Geetha S. Pillai 2
1 Department of Biotechnology, School of Life Sciences, Kannur University, Kerala, India
2 Crop Improvement & Biotechnology Division, Centre for Medicinal Plants Research (CMPR), India


The morphological parameters have been widely used in the evaluation of various crops. Quantitative and qualitative characters of 18 phenotypes of Ipomoea mauritiana Jacq, collected from various locations of Kerala were studied and data were recorded. Various qualitative data collected were grouped using PAUP software and dendrogram was constructed using UPMGA. The morphological characters like vine color, plant type, root formation, root color, root shape were the same and notable variations were seen in leaf lobe number, leaf color, leaf length and breadth, petiole length, petiole color. The morphology of tubers was studied after one year of planting and the data were scored and tabulated. The phenotypic variations provide an easy way to assess the accessions and for further evaluations. The variations were most expressed in the leaf colour, vine color, petiole colour, leaf length, leaf breadth, tuber fresh weight, tuber dry weight, tuber dry recovery percentage, number of roots formed per plant. From dendogram IM-6 showed much significant morphological variation from others. Furthermore studies have to be done to confirm existence of any genetic variations amongst them by carrying out experiments using molecular techniques.

Ipomoea mauritiana, Morphological Characters

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(a). IEEE Format:
[1] Lakshmi Mohan N. , SadheeshnaKumari S. , Geetha S. Pillai , "Phenotypic Diversity within Ipomoea Mauritiana Jacq. (Ksheeravidari) Germplasm Collections," Advances in Zoology and Botany, Vol. 8, No. 1, pp. 20 - 28, 2020. DOI: 10.13189/azb.2020.080104.

(b). APA Format:
Lakshmi Mohan N. , SadheeshnaKumari S. , Geetha S. Pillai (2020). Phenotypic Diversity within Ipomoea Mauritiana Jacq. (Ksheeravidari) Germplasm Collections. Advances in Zoology and Botany, 8(1), 20 - 28. DOI: 10.13189/azb.2020.080104.