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Advances in Zoology and Botany Vol. 8(1), pp. 1 - 5
DOI: 10.13189/azb.2020.080101
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Quantitative Variation in Calcium Carbonate Content in Shell of Different Chicken and Duck Varieties
Nimisha Ajayan , Shahanamol K. P , Arun A. U. *, Shalu Soman
Department of Zoology, St. Peter's College, India
A comparative analysis of calcium carbonate content in the egg shells of eight selected chicken species (Naadankozhi ,Karinkozhi, Giriraja, White leghorn, Black silky, Porukozhi, Naked neck hen and White silkie) and six species of ducks (Vigova, Chara, Chembelli, Plain duck, Nadan Tharavu and Patha Tharavu) were conducted. It was noted that even though higher level of calcium was present in all variety of egg shells, in chicken variety the highest calcium carbonate was noticed in Aseel (Porukozhi) eggshell and it was 92.90% of CaCO3 and the lowest was in Silky's chicken egg shell and it was 86.75% of CaCO3. In duck the highest calcium carbonate was noticed in Plain duck and it was 91% whereas the minimum noted was in Patha Tharavu and its egg shell containing 75% of CaCO3. Amount of calcium carbonate always associated with the hardness and strength of the egg shell. Hence Porukozhi's egg shell has highest hardness and White silkie species has lowest. In ducks plain duck showed high hardness and patha tharavu with minimum.
Calcium Carbonate, Egg Shell, Chicken, Duck
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(a). IEEE Format:
[1] Nimisha Ajayan , Shahanamol K. P , Arun A. U. , Shalu Soman , "Quantitative Variation in Calcium Carbonate Content in Shell of Different Chicken and Duck Varieties," Advances in Zoology and Botany, Vol. 8, No. 1, pp. 1 - 5, 2020. DOI: 10.13189/azb.2020.080101.
(b). APA Format:
Nimisha Ajayan , Shahanamol K. P , Arun A. U. , Shalu Soman (2020). Quantitative Variation in Calcium Carbonate Content in Shell of Different Chicken and Duck Varieties. Advances in Zoology and Botany, 8(1), 1 - 5. DOI: 10.13189/azb.2020.080101.