Universal Journal of Educational Research Vol. 7(11), pp. 2507 - 2518
DOI: 10.13189/ujer.2019.071131
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The Analysis of the Effect of Entrepreneurship Education, Perceived Desirability, and Entrepreneurial Self-Efficacy on University Students’ Entrepreneurial Intention

Suratno , Ekawarna *, Ade Kusmana
Faculty of Teaching Training and Education, Universitas Jambi, Indonesia


This study aims to analyze the effect of Entrepreneurship Education (EE), Perceived Desirability (PD), and Entrepreneurial Self-Efficacy (ESE) on Entrepreneurial Intentions (EI) in the context of graduates of Jambi University – Indonesia. The study adopted inferential design with cross-sectional data. The sample was alumni of 11 faculties of Jambi university, totaling 505 (47.72% men, 51.68% women). The result is EE positively and significantly affects PD, ESE and EI. PD and ESE positively and significantly affect EI. The limitation of the study is it focuses only on the antecedents of EI by ignoring entrepreneurial behavior, which is how respondents start new businesses. Besides, this study used cross-sectional data, so the link of causality was carefully interpreted. Longitudinal datasets use is needed for future analysis. The study practical implication is this study provides a conceptual framework for thorough evaluation for EE organizers to establish learning outcomes, study materials, learning methods, learning environments, and networking with business communities in providing students authentic experiences in how to start businesses. The originality value of this study is it uses a combination of two models - Shapero's Model of "Entrepreneurial Event" (1982) and Ajzen's Model of "Theory of Planned Behavior" (1991) – to explain EI.

Entrepreneurship Education (EE), Perceived Desirability (PD), Entrepreneurial Self-Efficacy (ESE), Entrepreneurial Intentions (EI)

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[1] Suratno , Ekawarna , Ade Kusmana , "The Analysis of the Effect of Entrepreneurship Education, Perceived Desirability, and Entrepreneurial Self-Efficacy on University Students’ Entrepreneurial Intention," Universal Journal of Educational Research, Vol. 7, No. 11, pp. 2507 - 2518, 2019. DOI: 10.13189/ujer.2019.071131.

(b). APA Format:
Suratno , Ekawarna , Ade Kusmana (2019). The Analysis of the Effect of Entrepreneurship Education, Perceived Desirability, and Entrepreneurial Self-Efficacy on University Students’ Entrepreneurial Intention. Universal Journal of Educational Research, 7(11), 2507 - 2518. DOI: 10.13189/ujer.2019.071131.