Journals Information
Universal Journal of Educational Research Vol. 7(11), pp. 2293 - 2302
DOI: 10.13189/ujer.2019.071107
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When Technology Disrupts Teaching and Learning: A Private Higher Education Students' Perceptions on the Challenges of Technology-based Teaching Tool
Reynold Padagas 1,*, Ruth Gutierrez 1, Lucero Trangia 2
1 College of Liberal Arts, Criminology and Education, Jose Rizal University, Philippines
2 Junior High School Division, Jose Rizal University, Philippines
Higher Education Institutions (HEIs) have always been confronted by several conflicting views of whether or not online platforms are indeed efficient and effective methods of quality teaching and learning since information age renewed almost all aspects of human development. The pedagogy, curriculum, and assessment of student learning become the center of many discussions as to how online platforms recalibrate and accelerate quality education. Putting up students and teachers in the cloud accentuated debates, but this never stops HEIs to push through with the use of online platforms. To improve delivery, the online platforms must intensify co-creation among the students and teachers to maximize utilization despite of reverberating challenges. This exploratory research revealed several challenges encountered by 22 students in blended learning classes utilizing Canvas as a major platform. Course of actions are proposed to revitalize the utilization of Canvas despite of pedagogical, curricular, and learning assessment adversities. As posited, technology is a means to an end (Heidegger, 1954).
Canvas, Pedagogy, Curriculum, Assessment of Learning
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(a). IEEE Format:
[1] Reynold Padagas , Ruth Gutierrez , Lucero Trangia , "When Technology Disrupts Teaching and Learning: A Private Higher Education Students' Perceptions on the Challenges of Technology-based Teaching Tool," Universal Journal of Educational Research, Vol. 7, No. 11, pp. 2293 - 2302, 2019. DOI: 10.13189/ujer.2019.071107.
(b). APA Format:
Reynold Padagas , Ruth Gutierrez , Lucero Trangia (2019). When Technology Disrupts Teaching and Learning: A Private Higher Education Students' Perceptions on the Challenges of Technology-based Teaching Tool. Universal Journal of Educational Research, 7(11), 2293 - 2302. DOI: 10.13189/ujer.2019.071107.