Journals Information
Universal Journal of Educational Research Vol. 7(10A), pp. 7 - 12
DOI: 10.13189/ujer.2019.071702
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Development of Rubric to Measure Children's 21st Century Skills in Digital Game-Based Learning
Laili Farhana Md Ibharim *, Maizatul Hayati Mohamad Yatim , Nor Zuhaidah Mohamed Zain
Faculty of Art, Computing & Creative Industry, Sultan Idris Education University, Malaysia
This study aims to depict how academic expert evaluation was conducted to develop a rubric for measuring children's 21st century skills when designing digital games. The 21st century skills that are related to game design are i) learning skills and innovation; ii) information, media and technology skills; and iii) life and career development skills. The rubric was developed based on cognitive, psychomotor and affective domains of learning. Six academic experts in the field of children's education, educational measurement and educational technology for children were recruited as evaluators of this rubric. Cohen's Kappa Coefficient formula was used to validate the results. The finding showed that each skill level should measure analytically and specifically based on game design activity. Researchers also found that children's skill can be enhanced by adopting the concept of digital game-based learning (DGBL), especially through game design activity. The rubric of children's skills would be essential in learning and teaching process in the future to produce a generation of knowledgeable, and skilled children while developing holistic personality accordance to the 21st century education.
21st Century Skills, Children, Digital Game-Based Learning, Digital Game Design, Rubric
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[1] Laili Farhana Md Ibharim , Maizatul Hayati Mohamad Yatim , Nor Zuhaidah Mohamed Zain , "Development of Rubric to Measure Children's 21st Century Skills in Digital Game-Based Learning," Universal Journal of Educational Research, Vol. 7, No. 10A, pp. 7 - 12, 2019. DOI: 10.13189/ujer.2019.071702.
(b). APA Format:
Laili Farhana Md Ibharim , Maizatul Hayati Mohamad Yatim , Nor Zuhaidah Mohamed Zain (2019). Development of Rubric to Measure Children's 21st Century Skills in Digital Game-Based Learning. Universal Journal of Educational Research, 7(10A), 7 - 12. DOI: 10.13189/ujer.2019.071702.