Journals Information
Universal Journal of Educational Research Vol. 7(9A), pp. 162 - 170
DOI: 10.13189/ujer.2019.071619
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The Evaluation of Integrated and Holistic Education System (Ihes) Program in Gema Nurani Integrated and Holistic Islamic Elementary School, Bekasi, West Java
Indra Setiawan *, Madhakomala , Bedjo Sujanto
Department of Education Management, Universitas Negeri Jakarta, Indonesia
This study aims to evaluate design, installation, process, outcome, benefit and cost in implementation of Integrated and Holistic Educational System (IHES) model in Gema Nurani Integrated and Holistic Islamic Elementary School, Bekasi, West Java. This study was conducted by using descriptive evaluative research with Discrepancy evaluation model. Data was collected through the result of interview, observation and documentation validated through Focus Group Discussion (FGI) activity. The result of study showed that: 1) The aspect of Design in implementation of IHES model in Gema Nurani Integrated and Holistic Islamic School, Bekasi, West Java has been based on IHES program owned by that school. 2) The aspect of Installation in implementation of IHES model had been completed by Standard of IHES Implementation in school which consist of standard components, namely: 1. Material Mastery, 2. Learning Media, 3. Fund Arrangement, 4. Arrangement and Determination. 3) Aspect of Process in implementation of IHES Model has not been in accordance with established standard particularly in standard component of the process in implementing IHES model, that is, there is no special laboratory particularly for Science subject. 4) The aspect of Outcome in implementation of IHES model has been in accordance with established standard. 5) The aspect of Cost and Benefit Analysis in implementation of IHES model in Gema Nurani Integrated and Holistic Islamic School, Bekasi, West Java has been in accordance with established standard. Therefore, infrastructure and training for all school members still need to be added to implement IHES model in Gema Nurani Integrated and Holistic Islamic School, Bekasi, West Java.
IHES Model, Evaluation, Discrepancy Model
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(a). IEEE Format:
[1] Indra Setiawan , Madhakomala , Bedjo Sujanto , "The Evaluation of Integrated and Holistic Education System (Ihes) Program in Gema Nurani Integrated and Holistic Islamic Elementary School, Bekasi, West Java," Universal Journal of Educational Research, Vol. 7, No. 9A, pp. 162 - 170, 2019. DOI: 10.13189/ujer.2019.071619.
(b). APA Format:
Indra Setiawan , Madhakomala , Bedjo Sujanto (2019). The Evaluation of Integrated and Holistic Education System (Ihes) Program in Gema Nurani Integrated and Holistic Islamic Elementary School, Bekasi, West Java. Universal Journal of Educational Research, 7(9A), 162 - 170. DOI: 10.13189/ujer.2019.071619.