Journals Information
Universal Journal of Psychology(CEASE PUBLICATION) Vol. 7(3), pp. 66 - 73
DOI: 10.13189/ujp.2019.070302
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Prevention of Children Sexual Abuse by Active Learning to Elementary School Students in West Jakarta Indonesia
Safitri M *, Aziz Luthfi , Euis Heryati
Faculty of Psychology, Universitas Esa Unggul, Indonesia
The number of sexual abuse in children as the victims has increased year to year. Technology development is believed as one of the reasons the increasement of sexual abuse. The purpose of this research is to give the knowledge and get a picture that happened to children about sexual abuse by making visual model and share it by active learning method. This study is using quasi experiment method, through training with Active learning method. The respondents are 232 students from 3 elementary school in West Jakarta Indonesia. The measurement data of sexual abuse knowledge with pre and post questionnaire, and peer group discussion. The results showed that many students still in the not knowing the kinds of sexual abuse and or who possibly could be the offender, but few of them already recognized the kind of sexual behavior, either self-experience or from what they saw around them. The active learning method was effective to increase knowledge about the offender and the type of sexual abuse to Elementary School Students in West Jakarta Indonesia, with test results differ to p0, 00.
Sexual Abuse, Children, Active Learning
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(a). IEEE Format:
[1] Safitri M , Aziz Luthfi , Euis Heryati , "Prevention of Children Sexual Abuse by Active Learning to Elementary School Students in West Jakarta Indonesia," Universal Journal of Psychology(CEASE PUBLICATION), Vol. 7, No. 3, pp. 66 - 73, 2019. DOI: 10.13189/ujp.2019.070302.
(b). APA Format:
Safitri M , Aziz Luthfi , Euis Heryati (2019). Prevention of Children Sexual Abuse by Active Learning to Elementary School Students in West Jakarta Indonesia. Universal Journal of Psychology(CEASE PUBLICATION), 7(3), 66 - 73. DOI: 10.13189/ujp.2019.070302.