Universal Journal of Educational Research Vol. 7(7), pp. 1495 - 1508
DOI: 10.13189/ujer.2019.070703
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A Roadmap for Prescribed "Blend- Digit" Personalized Learning - A Collaborated Responsive Approach to Succeeding Generations in the Info Global Age

Ziad Hamdan *
Hamdan Academy for Higher Education Online, Syria


Different students have different by nature personality types, cognitive structures and processes, and behavioral modes. Hence, they have no similar aptitudes, needs, purposes, comprehending speeds, academic fields, timelines and locations for learning. As such, to gather "whole" students or large groups in extended large halls or rooms resembling the "Factory Model" is a dire organizational mistake committed against schooling generations since 550 years ago as the German pioneer Guttenberg invented the printing machine 1445. Education systems (ES) instead of employing the new 'discovery' for the welfare of learning generations through giving each student a book, a working manual or handouts to learn individually and in small peer groups as the case of contemporary ICTs, ESs exploited the 'event' for economic benefits. Eventually, they considered the future of generations, which is someday, would be the "future society", a business trade adopting the philosophy and features of the "Factory Model". Thus, the "whole group method" was born and perpetuated in schooling until the beginning of "Third Millennium". Needless to indicate that the 550 years extended of massive learning had caused the loss of millions of the gifted and superiors (who possibly could be future societal leaders and academic pioneers), of the normal (who possibly could be better professionals and skilled leading artisans), and of low achievers (who possibly could be more successful survivals enjoying more dignified living). This Article presents a prescribed ICTs "Blend- Digit" Personalized Learning Approach, which is responsive to individual students needs while adhering to the living demands of Info Global Age.

A Collaborative Approach, Prescribed "Blend-Digit" Learning, Personalized Learning, Succeeding Generations in the Info Global Age

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(a). IEEE Format:
[1] Ziad Hamdan , "A Roadmap for Prescribed "Blend- Digit" Personalized Learning - A Collaborated Responsive Approach to Succeeding Generations in the Info Global Age," Universal Journal of Educational Research, Vol. 7, No. 7, pp. 1495 - 1508, 2019. DOI: 10.13189/ujer.2019.070703.

(b). APA Format:
Ziad Hamdan (2019). A Roadmap for Prescribed "Blend- Digit" Personalized Learning - A Collaborated Responsive Approach to Succeeding Generations in the Info Global Age. Universal Journal of Educational Research, 7(7), 1495 - 1508. DOI: 10.13189/ujer.2019.070703.