Journals Information
Environment and Ecology Research Vol. 7(3), pp. 171 - 195
DOI: 10.13189/eer.2019.070306
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River-valleys and the Challenges in Hitherto Implemented Projects – A Case Study: Tehran's Seven River-valleys and the Three Linear Parks
Sanaz Shobeiri *
School of Architecture and the Built Environment, University of Westminster, United Kingdom
One of the key challenges in studying the human-nature relationship in urban contexts worldwide is the current issues in hitherto implemented projects. The term ‘issues' here refers to the needs, potentials and problems of the two spheres of citizens and the city's natural structures. Investigating the present issues in implemented projects reveals how people perceive and subsequently interact with the nature in cities at the present time. This paper aims to open up a research platform in order to revive, improve and strengthen the human- nature interaction in current and future projects. To this end, Tehran and its seven river-valleys have been selected as the case study for this research. Three linear parks and four mountainous recreational areas are the principal projects that have been implemented along specific lengths of some of the seven main river-valleys in Tehran. This paper focuses mainly on the interaction of Tehranian residents with the natural structures of the river-valleys in the three implemented linear parks. The applied methodology consists of a literature review, followed by related analysis and direct observation. The findings are categorised into seven sections: dealing with height differences and a definition of the horizontal layers; physical perceptions of the river; physical perceptions of the height difference; bridges over the river; facilities; lighting; and accessibility and parking spaces. As the main conclusion, this paper will introduce the design and planning strategies and objectives that could improve the possibility and quality of the human-nature interaction in current and future linear parks in the river-valleys of Tehran.
Linear Parks, Human Beings, Nature, Natural Structures, River-valleys, Tehran
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(a). IEEE Format:
[1] Sanaz Shobeiri , "River-valleys and the Challenges in Hitherto Implemented Projects – A Case Study: Tehran's Seven River-valleys and the Three Linear Parks," Environment and Ecology Research, Vol. 7, No. 3, pp. 171 - 195, 2019. DOI: 10.13189/eer.2019.070306.
(b). APA Format:
Sanaz Shobeiri (2019). River-valleys and the Challenges in Hitherto Implemented Projects – A Case Study: Tehran's Seven River-valleys and the Three Linear Parks. Environment and Ecology Research, 7(3), 171 - 195. DOI: 10.13189/eer.2019.070306.