Journals Information
Universal Journal of Agricultural Research Vol. 7(3), pp. 136 - 141
DOI: 10.13189/ujar.2019.070303
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Prospects of Mungbean as an Additional Crop in Rice Wheat System of Punjab Pakistan
Aziz-ur-Rehman , M. Ehsan Khan , Sadia Kaukab *, Sajjad Saeed , M. Aqeel , Gulfam Riasat , Ch. Muhammad Rafiq
Pulses Research Institute, Ayub Agricultural Research Institute (AARI), Pakistan
Mungbean is a beneficial as well as crucial pulse crop which has high economical and commercial values widely grown in Asia. It is cheap source of dietary protein, iron and minerals. It belongs to family Leguminosae and is valuable grain legume which comprises major portion of proteins, minerals, vitamins and essential amino acid. In Pakistan it ranks second in Pulses production after Chickpea. Mungbean suffers from several diseases due lack of good cultural practices and insight about the genome of this crop. These diseases caused by fungus, bacterium and viruses. Major diseases including Yellow Mosaic disease (YMD), Urdbean leaf crinkle disease (ULCD), Cercospora leaf spot disease (CLSD) and were caused by yellow mosaic virus, Cercospora canesens and Urdbean leaf crinkle virus respectively. Annually, 40-80% grain yield losses were caused due to these diseases. To overcome these threats scientists/researchers are using approaches to develop resistant and high yielding Mungbean genotypes/cultivars. The area under Mungbean cultivation is decreasing day by day because most of varieties were matured at 100 to 120 days which were not suitable in our cropping pattern. There is a dire need to develop those varieties having high yield, resistant to diseases and insect pest, early and synchronize maturity (60-80 days).
Scenarios, Mungbean, Supplementary Crop, Rice-Wheat, Punjab Cropping Patterns
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[1] Aziz-ur-Rehman , M. Ehsan Khan , Sadia Kaukab , Sajjad Saeed , M. Aqeel , Gulfam Riasat , Ch. Muhammad Rafiq , "Prospects of Mungbean as an Additional Crop in Rice Wheat System of Punjab Pakistan," Universal Journal of Agricultural Research, Vol. 7, No. 3, pp. 136 - 141, 2019. DOI: 10.13189/ujar.2019.070303.
(b). APA Format:
Aziz-ur-Rehman , M. Ehsan Khan , Sadia Kaukab , Sajjad Saeed , M. Aqeel , Gulfam Riasat , Ch. Muhammad Rafiq (2019). Prospects of Mungbean as an Additional Crop in Rice Wheat System of Punjab Pakistan. Universal Journal of Agricultural Research, 7(3), 136 - 141. DOI: 10.13189/ujar.2019.070303.