Universal Journal of Educational Research Vol. 7(4A), pp. 43 - 51
DOI: 10.13189/ujer.2019.071407
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Learning Media for Biology Subject Based on Multimedia in Junior High School Level

Sukenda *, Maharani Anjani , Benny Yustim
Informatics Engineering, Widyatama University, Indonesia


Information is a necessity in this era, so it encourages the advancement of information technology flourish and rapidly, in addition it provides some varieties of ways to catch the users obtaining information and technology. One of the conveniences of that fashion is that students at junior high school can easily access dealing with Biology learning material. Information and technology in the form of multimedia-based software packaged as a media of learning some particulars subjects, in this case they apply to Biology learning. Instructional media provide an overview and understanding to the junior high school students in studying Biology visually, dynamic and interactive. Learning in a visual medium provides visualization interest in studying biology, so students can understand the material SMP comprehensively. An interactive learning media gives the impression that the learning is carried out by two-sided directions, yet the students are invited to participate as creators in studying Biology. Multimedia-based learning media packed into software which capable in presenting the material, in this case is Biology. The material is presented visually and moves dynamically in order to motivate the students in understanding the Biology. The software in multimedia-based learning is purposed to create an autonomous learning system for students. Instructional media built in desktop and run as a single-independent application; therefore, students can run this application even though the internet connection is not available. This instructional media development using object-based method with the waterfall model. This learning media applications built with Adobe Flash Professional CS6 with action script 2.0 for achieving visualization, dynamic, and interactive multimedia-based learning method.

Learning Media, Visual, Dynamic, Biology, Multimedia

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[1] Sukenda , Maharani Anjani , Benny Yustim , "Learning Media for Biology Subject Based on Multimedia in Junior High School Level," Universal Journal of Educational Research, Vol. 7, No. 4A, pp. 43 - 51, 2019. DOI: 10.13189/ujer.2019.071407.

(b). APA Format:
Sukenda , Maharani Anjani , Benny Yustim (2019). Learning Media for Biology Subject Based on Multimedia in Junior High School Level. Universal Journal of Educational Research, 7(4A), 43 - 51. DOI: 10.13189/ujer.2019.071407.