Journals Information
Universal Journal of Educational Research Vol. 7(3), pp. 720 - 728
DOI: 10.13189/ujer.2019.070311
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The Effect of a Metacognition-based Instructional Practice on the Metacognitive Awareness of the Prospective Teachers
Burcu Duman *, Çetin Semerci
Faculty of Education, Bartın University, Turkey
The purpose of the study is to identify the effect of a metacognition-based instructional practice on metacognitive awareness of prospective teachers. The study has been carried out through "Pre-test – Post-test Control Group Model" which is one of the models in experimental design. The study group consists of 44 prospective teachers having education at Department of Turkish Language Education at a State University selected for either experimental or control group according to the result of the cluster analysis. For the experimental group, a metacognitive-based instructional practice has been carried out. On the other hand, current education schedule has been followed for the control group. "Metacognitive Awareness Scale" has been used as a data collection tool. According to the research results, metacognitive awareness scores are significantly different at some sub-dimensions in favor of the experimental group. A metacognition-based instructional practice has positively affected the improvement of the prospective teachers. It is suggested that future studies should be carried out by including all courses at the faculties of education.
Metacognition, Metacognitive Awareness, Prospective Teacher
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[1] Burcu Duman , Çetin Semerci , "The Effect of a Metacognition-based Instructional Practice on the Metacognitive Awareness of the Prospective Teachers," Universal Journal of Educational Research, Vol. 7, No. 3, pp. 720 - 728, 2019. DOI: 10.13189/ujer.2019.070311.
(b). APA Format:
Burcu Duman , Çetin Semerci (2019). The Effect of a Metacognition-based Instructional Practice on the Metacognitive Awareness of the Prospective Teachers. Universal Journal of Educational Research, 7(3), 720 - 728. DOI: 10.13189/ujer.2019.070311.