Journals Information
Universal Journal of Engineering Science(CEASE PUBLICATION) Vol. 1(3), pp. 89 - 94
DOI: 10.13189/ujes.2013.010304
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The Using of Controlled Cavitation Processes in Some Engineering and Agricultural Applications
Dr. Kanat M Dyussenov 1,*, Janna Dyussenova 2, Ivan Nedugov 2
1 The Innovative Eurasian University, 140000, Pavlodar, Kazakhstan
2 InnoMix Ltd, 140000, Pavlodar, Kazakhstan
On the basis of information on impact of ultrasonic and hydrodynamic cavitation on water in various engineering and agrochemical applications parameters of the frequencies favoring to an intensification of growth of some grades of tomatoes, shanks of decorative roses and saplings of a pine ordinary are defined. The example of the engineering application of operated hydrodynamic cavitation on the basis of the independent generator of warmth for heating is presented. This example was patented and successfully used further for water structuring in some agrochemical applications. Results of researches of influence of acoustic radiations in the range of frequencies of 20 Hz - 50 kHz and operated hydrodynamic cavitation on growth of some types of plants and data on influence of the specified private range on some physical and chemical properties of irrigation water are presented. It is shown that for a productive drop irrigation of skilled plants the range of ultrasonic radiation in a range close to 20 kHz which leads to increase of concentration of microcells of the metals dissolved in irrigation water is most effective and also influences favorable change of pH of irrigation water. Experimentally an established fact of increase of productivity of tomatoes for 15 % at rather short-term period of watering by the structured water and considerable effect of increase in growth of root system at saplings of decorative roses. Also established an experimentally fact of decrease in an electric conductivity of irrigation water after hydrodynamic cavitational impact on 18-23 %, along with favorable change of pH of water. Some factors influencing an intensification of growth of saplings and development of root system with considerable decrease in pathogenic micro flora are analyzed and revealed.
Ultrasound, Acoustic Radiations, Cavitation, Masses Spectrometer Analysis, Infrasound, Piezoelectric Radiators, Frequency Range
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(a). IEEE Format:
[1] Dr. Kanat M Dyussenov , Janna Dyussenova , Ivan Nedugov , "The Using of Controlled Cavitation Processes in Some Engineering and Agricultural Applications," Universal Journal of Engineering Science(CEASE PUBLICATION), Vol. 1, No. 3, pp. 89 - 94, 2013. DOI: 10.13189/ujes.2013.010304.
(b). APA Format:
Dr. Kanat M Dyussenov , Janna Dyussenova , Ivan Nedugov (2013). The Using of Controlled Cavitation Processes in Some Engineering and Agricultural Applications. Universal Journal of Engineering Science(CEASE PUBLICATION), 1(3), 89 - 94. DOI: 10.13189/ujes.2013.010304.