Food Science and Technology Vol. 7(1), pp. 7 - 10
DOI: 10.13189/fst.2019.070102
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Common Practices Regarding Health and Status of Treatment Facilities in the Rural Areas of Sherpur Upazilla, Bogura, Bangladesh

Md. Abdul Alim *, Sarawat Rashid , Shaikh Shahriar Mohammad , Mohammad Munsur Rahman , Jayanto Kumar Roy
Rural Development Academy (RDA), Bogura-5842, Bangladesh


A community based exploratory study was conducted among the villagers (sample size, n=75) of Kanopur, Shippur and Boraidaha village of Sherpur Upazila of Bogura district, Bangladesh to explore the common practices regarding health and treatment facilities in rural areas. This study was carried out through questionnaire, participatory rural appraisal and focus group discussion. The result showed that the socio-economic condition of these areas was average in terms of others villagers of Bogura region. The current health and treatment facilities of these areas were moderate and study found that about 80% people were aware about personal hygiene. The study reveals acidity and fever were the most frequent diseases and most of the people were happy about the service of doctors and Government health Centre. The study revealed that the half of the population of these areas knew about expanded programme on immunization and exclusive breastfeeding during lactation period. This study also exposed that around half of the respondents has no knowledge about Oral Rehydration Solution, extra salt used in eating, antibiotic course and even in danger sign during pregnancy of mothers and pneumonia among villagers. Besides, in case of family matters and during diseases condition, decision was taken by household head or sometimes husband and wife both. This study concluded that overall health care delivery system was moderate and actions should be taken to improve the overall scenario of health system of these regions.

Health Status, Socio-economic Condition, Personal Hygiene, Diseases, Treatment Facilities, Danger Sign etc.

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(a). IEEE Format:
[1] Md. Abdul Alim , Sarawat Rashid , Shaikh Shahriar Mohammad , Mohammad Munsur Rahman , Jayanto Kumar Roy , "Common Practices Regarding Health and Status of Treatment Facilities in the Rural Areas of Sherpur Upazilla, Bogura, Bangladesh," Food Science and Technology, Vol. 7, No. 1, pp. 7 - 10, 2019. DOI: 10.13189/fst.2019.070102.

(b). APA Format:
Md. Abdul Alim , Sarawat Rashid , Shaikh Shahriar Mohammad , Mohammad Munsur Rahman , Jayanto Kumar Roy (2019). Common Practices Regarding Health and Status of Treatment Facilities in the Rural Areas of Sherpur Upazilla, Bogura, Bangladesh. Food Science and Technology, 7(1), 7 - 10. DOI: 10.13189/fst.2019.070102.