Journals Information
Universal Journal of Electrical and Electronic Engineering Vol. 1(4), pp. 118 - 121
DOI: 10.13189/ujeee.2013.010403
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The Study of the Electrical Properties of Schottky Diodes Based on Silicon with Amorphous and Polycrystalline Material
I.G.Pashaev *
The Baku State University, AZ1148 Baku, Azerbaijan
The summary of the given work is devoted to the obtaining of the NixTi100-x-nSi Schottky diodes (DSH) and studying the electrophysical properties (where х=4; 19; 37; 74; 96) of schottky diodes made on the basis of amorphous and polycrystalline metal alloys at low direct pressure. By means of X-rayphase analysis, it is established that the film of Ni37Ti63 alloy has amorphous structure, and the other films have polycrystalline one. Critical parameters of the Schottky diodes in dependence on composition and structure of metal films are determined. As a result, it is revealed that electrophysical properties of NixTi100-x−x /n-Si Schottky diodes are connected with change of composition and structure of metal films; Alloy has amorphous structure. The height of a potential barrier is found by two methods (a method I - V, and I ~ T). The received results show that the barrier height is rather sensitive to structure of a metal alloy, in comparison with a polycrystalline film of metal, in case of contact of an amorphous film of metal to silicon the border of separation is rather homogeneous. Hence, it is possible to assume that occurrence of a superfluous current in DSH after an annealing at temperature 673K and is above connected with change of structure of a metal film of an alloy.
Schottky Diodes Direct Pressure, Richardson's Constant, Amorphous Structure, Barrier Height, Border Has Undressed, Non-uniform Polycrystalline film, Annealing Contact metal-semiconductor Composition and Structure
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(a). IEEE Format:
[1] I.G.Pashaev , "The Study of the Electrical Properties of Schottky Diodes Based on Silicon with Amorphous and Polycrystalline Material," Universal Journal of Electrical and Electronic Engineering, Vol. 1, No. 4, pp. 118 - 121, 2013. DOI: 10.13189/ujeee.2013.010403.
(b). APA Format:
I.G.Pashaev (2013). The Study of the Electrical Properties of Schottky Diodes Based on Silicon with Amorphous and Polycrystalline Material. Universal Journal of Electrical and Electronic Engineering, 1(4), 118 - 121. DOI: 10.13189/ujeee.2013.010403.