Journals Information
Universal Journal of Mechanical Engineering Vol. 6(5), pp. 102 - 113
DOI: 10.13189/ujme.2018.060502
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A Tissue Engineering Discussion for Mechanical / Chemical Engineers - Introducing the Operation of the Stem-Cells Activation Triggers
Edilson Gomes de Lima *
IENN-Institute Engineering in Nanoscience and Nanotechnology, Australia
This paper traced an introductory script about the natural communication by an interface between the tissues and the environment theoretically, as a possible form of biological adaptation in environment, as a first step for popularization in tissue engineering for mechanical and chemical engineers. Knowing the keys communication system, it’s theoretically possible to understand that even after generating a specialized tissue, it is still possible to induce new stem cells to generate tissues. According to external and internal tissues readings, as by integrin mechanism, or actomyosin induced by various means, presented throughout this study. Also, make visible and clear new stem cells induction techniques through stimuli, activated by means for the formation of specialized and interconnected specialized cells for tissue engineering. In this objective investigation is showed some mechanical analytical apparatus in new designs to automate biological processes. The domain of all flow and mechanism in stem cell activation triggers is as important as the knowledge of DNA sequencing. With the focus on proving the ability of the tissues to read passively, interpret the external environment and make changes by biochemicals for appropriate adaptation, the genes interpret the environmental stimuli, human senses interfaces and activate adult stem cell niches. External factors along the stem cell are the focus of this investigation, e.g. it has already been proven that a specific nanotopography is a platform to induce differentiation control in stem cells. By nanotopography a stem cell can being induced to become a specific tissue. Through the control and listing these activation keys through mechanical engineering and logic, we can create true artificial tissue factories in high precision innovative scaffolds geometries, with final objective new addictive manufacture and innovative architecture for biological circuits.
Biomanufacturing, iPSCs, Mechanical Engineering, Nanotopography, Scaffolds, Tissue Engineering
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(a). IEEE Format:
[1] Edilson Gomes de Lima , "A Tissue Engineering Discussion for Mechanical / Chemical Engineers - Introducing the Operation of the Stem-Cells Activation Triggers," Universal Journal of Mechanical Engineering, Vol. 6, No. 5, pp. 102 - 113, 2018. DOI: 10.13189/ujme.2018.060502.
(b). APA Format:
Edilson Gomes de Lima (2018). A Tissue Engineering Discussion for Mechanical / Chemical Engineers - Introducing the Operation of the Stem-Cells Activation Triggers. Universal Journal of Mechanical Engineering, 6(5), 102 - 113. DOI: 10.13189/ujme.2018.060502.