Civil Engineering and Architecture Vol. 6(5), pp. 227 - 233
DOI: 10.13189/cea.2018.060501
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Traffic Safety on the Roads of Republika Srpska

Dušan Janković *, Stojan Aleksić
Faculty of Traffic Engineering, International University of District Brcko Bosnia and Herzegovina, Bosnia and Herzegovina


The monitoring and analysis of traffic safety is an important part of a process in the area of traffic safety control. In a relatively long period of time, based on the analysis in a real time frame, there can be seen some changes of parameters in traffic safety which gives us the insight in the success of so far activities and the prediction of future traffic accidents can be done. Based on the most recent experience and best practices, it is desirable to analyze as many cases as we can in order to understand and interpret the tendencies in traffic safety correctly. However, this requires the constant monitoring of cases, examination of general tendencies and their analyses. This paper analyses the indicators of traffic safety (the number of traffic accidents with casualties, the number of killed and injured) from 2012 to 2017 on the roads of Republika Srpska entity. Special attention, beside traffic accidents, is given to regulations, the costs of traffic accidents and to the performance audit.

Traffic Accidents, Causes, Cases, Regulations, Costs

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(a). IEEE Format:
[1] Dušan Janković , Stojan Aleksić , "Traffic Safety on the Roads of Republika Srpska," Civil Engineering and Architecture, Vol. 6, No. 5, pp. 227 - 233, 2018. DOI: 10.13189/cea.2018.060501.

(b). APA Format:
Dušan Janković , Stojan Aleksić (2018). Traffic Safety on the Roads of Republika Srpska. Civil Engineering and Architecture, 6(5), 227 - 233. DOI: 10.13189/cea.2018.060501.