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Chemical and Materials Engineering(CEASE PUBLICATION) Vol. 6(2), pp. 36 - 45
DOI: 10.13189/cme.2018.060202
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Mango Seed Kernel Agronomical Bio-Waste for Ecofriendly Cotton Dyeing: Optimization of Dyeing Period and Temperature
Manindra Nath Roy 1,2, M. Tauhidul Islam 1,3,*, Md. Saddam Hossain Khan 1, Kallol Sarker 1, Md. Abdullah Al Mamun 1
1 Department of Textile Engineering, Mawlana Bhashani Science and Technology University, Tangail-1902, Bangladesh
2 Department of Textile Engineering, University of South Asia, Dhaka-1213, Bangladesh
3 Department of Material Science and Engineering, National Cheng Kung University, Tainan-701, Taiwan
Typical synthetic colorant and their application processes include various negative eco-toxicological effect and human health risk. Intend to depose the impediments of synthetic dyeing herein mango seed kernel agronomical bio-waste was employed for sustainable dyeing of cotton fabric. 100% cotton knitted single jersey commercially scoured-bleached fabric having areal density of 160 grams per square meter was used for this study. Natural dye was extracted by alkali extraction method from raw seed kernel of Mangifera indica. Optimum dyeing temperature and duration were quantified. Colorimetric appearance of the dyed samples for different dyeing condition were evaluate by using CIE L*a*b* color space in terms of color co-ordinates, color strength (K/S), brightness index (BI) and degree of color levelness values. Dye fiber bonding stability of the dyed fabric was evaluated in terms of colorfastness to wash, water, perspiration, rubbing and light. Overall the colorfastness values were recorded as 4-5 except light fastness. Excellent colorimetric appearance and serviceability indicates future green coloration of cotton fabric through mango seed kernel as well as decent agronomical bio-waste management.
Environment and Health, Green Coloration, Natural Dye, Mango Seed Kernel (MSK), Bio-Waste, Serviceability
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(a). IEEE Format:
[1] Manindra Nath Roy , M. Tauhidul Islam , Md. Saddam Hossain Khan , Kallol Sarker , Md. Abdullah Al Mamun , "Mango Seed Kernel Agronomical Bio-Waste for Ecofriendly Cotton Dyeing: Optimization of Dyeing Period and Temperature," Chemical and Materials Engineering(CEASE PUBLICATION), Vol. 6, No. 2, pp. 36 - 45, 2018. DOI: 10.13189/cme.2018.060202.
(b). APA Format:
Manindra Nath Roy , M. Tauhidul Islam , Md. Saddam Hossain Khan , Kallol Sarker , Md. Abdullah Al Mamun (2018). Mango Seed Kernel Agronomical Bio-Waste for Ecofriendly Cotton Dyeing: Optimization of Dyeing Period and Temperature. Chemical and Materials Engineering(CEASE PUBLICATION), 6(2), 36 - 45. DOI: 10.13189/cme.2018.060202.