Journals Information
Universal Journal of Public Health Vol. 6(5), pp. 240 - 246
DOI: 10.13189/ujph.2018.060502
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Vibroacoustic Therapy and Development of a New Device: A Pilot Study in the Health Resort Environment
Eha Rüütel 1, Ivar Vinkel 2,*, Moonika Laanetu 3
1 Institute of Natural Sciences and Health, Tallinn University, Estonia
2 Vinkelheli Ltd, Estonia
3 Värska Health Resort, Estonia
This study was motivated by the development of a new model of vibroacoustic (VA) therapy device which, in terms of its design and characteristics, could be used in various health promotion and treatment environments. In the case of VA therapy, a bed or lounge chair is used to transmit special low frequency sounds for the purpose of affecting the whole body. In the review of previous studies, the results of applying VA therapy in the case of somatic and functional disruptions are described. In this study a new VA device prototype was used. The study was carried out at a health resort where, over the course of a two month period, visitors had the opportunity to participate in VA therapy. Twenty-six volunteers participated in the study. Data was collected through self-rate scales, which were completed at the beginning and end of the VA treatment session. The results of the study indicated an improvement in feeling – a reduction in muscle tension, pain, fatigue, anxiety – as well as the suitability of the device and therapy for health improvement related purposes, integrated with other health services.
Vibroacoustic Therapy, Device for Vibroacoustic Therapy, Treatment Effect of Vibroacoustic Therapy, Perceived Health Condition
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(a). IEEE Format:
[1] Eha Rüütel , Ivar Vinkel , Moonika Laanetu , "Vibroacoustic Therapy and Development of a New Device: A Pilot Study in the Health Resort Environment," Universal Journal of Public Health, Vol. 6, No. 5, pp. 240 - 246, 2018. DOI: 10.13189/ujph.2018.060502.
(b). APA Format:
Eha Rüütel , Ivar Vinkel , Moonika Laanetu (2018). Vibroacoustic Therapy and Development of a New Device: A Pilot Study in the Health Resort Environment. Universal Journal of Public Health, 6(5), 240 - 246. DOI: 10.13189/ujph.2018.060502.