Journals Information
Universal Journal of Agricultural Research Vol. 1(4), pp. 119 - 128
DOI: 10.13189/ujar.2013.010401
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Effect of Different Nitrogen and Weeding Levels on Yield of Five Maize cultivars under Irrigation
Izzeldein Adam Mohammed Radma 1,*, Yassin Mohammed Ibrahim Dagash 2
1 Ministry of Agriculture and Natural Resources, Gezira State, Sudan
2 College of Agricultural Studies, Sudan University of Science and Technology, Shambat, Sudan
Field experiments were conducted in the Demonstration Farm of Mohammed Osman Salih ( Blue Nile North of Gezira state / ElBagir area) for the two consecutive seasons ( summer 2007 /2008 and 2008 /2009 ) to study the effect of nitrogen and weeding levels on yield of five cultivars of maize (Zea Mays L.) under irrigation. The treatments used consisted of three levels of nitrogen control (N0) , 86 kg N/ha (N1), 129 kg N/ha (N2), two levels of weeding non-weed control (W0) , weeding (W1) and five cultivars, open pollinated Giza-2 (V1) , Var-113 (V2) , Hudiba-1 (V3) and Hybrid cultivars, Hycorn-90 (V4) and Hycorn-675 (V5).The 30 factorial treatments were executed in randomized complete block design, with four replications. The results obtained showed that nitrogen fertilizer had a significant effect on final seed yield and some yield components as cob yield and number of seeds per cob when different nitrogen doing with no-weeding was not significant for seed yield. The results from these experiments showed that hybrid cultivars maize efficiently utilized nitrogen without weeding better than the open cultivars except Giza-2.The results obtained showed negligible differences between the two seasons for yield. This justifies growing maize in summer with 129 kg/ha nitrogen and good cultivation.
Cultivar, Irrigation, Nitrogen, Yield, Weeding
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(a). IEEE Format:
[1] Izzeldein Adam Mohammed Radma , Yassin Mohammed Ibrahim Dagash , "Effect of Different Nitrogen and Weeding Levels on Yield of Five Maize cultivars under Irrigation," Universal Journal of Agricultural Research, Vol. 1, No. 4, pp. 119 - 128, 2013. DOI: 10.13189/ujar.2013.010401.
(b). APA Format:
Izzeldein Adam Mohammed Radma , Yassin Mohammed Ibrahim Dagash (2013). Effect of Different Nitrogen and Weeding Levels on Yield of Five Maize cultivars under Irrigation. Universal Journal of Agricultural Research, 1(4), 119 - 128. DOI: 10.13189/ujar.2013.010401.