Journals Information
Sociology and Anthropology Vol. 6(8), pp. 650 - 656
DOI: 10.13189/sa.2018.060803
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Restrictive Labour Migration Policy on Nepalese Women and Consequences
Uddhab Pd. Pyakurel *
School of Arts, Kathmandu University, Nepal
This study seeks to understand the governance system of women labour migration as practiced by the Nepali state through various institutions on the basis of rules, regulations and laws, and explores the interface between the regulations introduced against women migration abroad, existing popular practices, and consequences experienced by women migrants and their families. After a review of the Nepal government's rules and regulations introduced in the recent past, the paper concludes that Nepal still follow restrictive migration policy for women even if it is facilitating male out-migration in the job market abroad by introducing various schemes, rules/regulations and institutions. The often cited positive aspects of migration helped increase the aspiration of women to go abroad even women migration has become more costly, complicated and vulnerable due to the continued restrictive policy by the government of Nepal.
Labour Migration, Restrictive Regime, Protective Regime, Feminization of Migration
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[1] Uddhab Pd. Pyakurel , "Restrictive Labour Migration Policy on Nepalese Women and Consequences," Sociology and Anthropology, Vol. 6, No. 8, pp. 650 - 656, 2018. DOI: 10.13189/sa.2018.060803.
(b). APA Format:
Uddhab Pd. Pyakurel (2018). Restrictive Labour Migration Policy on Nepalese Women and Consequences. Sociology and Anthropology, 6(8), 650 - 656. DOI: 10.13189/sa.2018.060803.