Journals Information
Linguistics and Literature Studies Vol. 1(1), pp. 37 - 42
DOI: 10.13189/lls.2013.010106
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Towards Possessive Sentences Classification in English-The Preliminary Study
V.A. Yatsko*, T.S. Yatsko
Katanov State University of Khakassia, Russia
The paper focuses on the structure of predicative possessive constructions described in terms of semantic features distinguished within scope of predication analysis, viz. causative, agentive, inchoative, egressive, continuative, and stative features. Features that are in complementary distribution yield contaminated forms of possessive constructions: inchoative-causative, inchoative-agentive, egressive-causative, egressive-agentive, continuative-causative, continuative-agentive. Causative possessive constructions are taken to be basic since their structure corresponds to the structure of the prototypical situation while the other ones are derived from them by omission of appropriate semantic features. The structure of causative possessive sentences is described in terms of componential analysis.
Possessive Sentences, Predication Analysis, Classification, Causative Semantics, Prototypical Situation
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[1] V.A. Yatsko , T.S. Yatsko , "Towards Possessive Sentences Classification in English-The Preliminary Study," Linguistics and Literature Studies, Vol. 1, No. 1, pp. 37 - 42, 2013. DOI: 10.13189/lls.2013.010106.
(b). APA Format:
V.A. Yatsko , T.S. Yatsko (2013). Towards Possessive Sentences Classification in English-The Preliminary Study. Linguistics and Literature Studies, 1(1), 37 - 42. DOI: 10.13189/lls.2013.010106.