Journals Information
Universal Journal of Management Vol. 6(5), pp. 155 - 164
DOI: 10.13189/ujm.2018.060503
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Tourists Perception about Tourist Attraction of Waterfall in the Village of Senaru District of Bayan North Lombok
I Wayan Pantiyasa *, Gede Yoga Kharisma Pradana , Original Bertuyes Nale
International Bali Institute of Tourism, Indonesia
A waterfall in the village of Senaru became an attractive tour that offers natural attraction of waterfall, and also unique and interesting artificial attraction. This fact can potentially attract visitors. But the data of tourists visitation in the last 5 (five) years had fluctuations. It is necessary to research on tourists' perception about waterfall in the village of Senaru. The purpose of this research is to know the tourists perception about attraction, amenities, accessibilities and ancillary. Respondents are visitors and about 60 visitors were chosen by random. This research uses questionnaire as instrument that consists of attraction, amenity, accessibilities and ancillary aspect. Data then analyze using descriptively. The results show that the perception of tourists are average of respondents having good perception on aspects of the attractions of comfort and hygiene, the diversity and security in tourism area, on aspects of accessibilities of road quality, affordability of public transportation and road directions, on aspects of amenities of parking security and capacity, lodging, the capacity of the place of worship, restaurant, gazebo, and on ancillary aspect of officers speed in ticket sales, officers ability and civility on handling of complaints and officers politeness in the area of a waterfall.
Perception, Attraction, Amenities, Accessibilities, Ancillary, Senaru Waterfall
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[1] I Wayan Pantiyasa , Gede Yoga Kharisma Pradana , Original Bertuyes Nale , "Tourists Perception about Tourist Attraction of Waterfall in the Village of Senaru District of Bayan North Lombok," Universal Journal of Management, Vol. 6, No. 5, pp. 155 - 164, 2018. DOI: 10.13189/ujm.2018.060503.
(b). APA Format:
I Wayan Pantiyasa , Gede Yoga Kharisma Pradana , Original Bertuyes Nale (2018). Tourists Perception about Tourist Attraction of Waterfall in the Village of Senaru District of Bayan North Lombok. Universal Journal of Management, 6(5), 155 - 164. DOI: 10.13189/ujm.2018.060503.