Natural Resources and Conservation Vol. 1(3), pp. 65 - 76
DOI: 10.13189/nrc.2013.010302
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Al Mujib Natural Reserve in Jordan: - Towards an Assessment for Sustainable Ecotourism Management Plan Utilizing Spatial Documentation

Naif A.Haddad 1,*, Sharaf A. Al-kheder 2, Leen A. Fakhoury 3
1 Department of Conservation Science, Queen Rania's Institute of Tourism and Heritage, Hashemite University, P.O. Box 3034, Amman 11181, Jordan
2 Department of Civil Engineering, Faculty of Engineering & Applied Sciences, ALHOSN University, Abu Dhabi, UAE
3 School of Architecture and Built Environment, German Jordanian University, Amman, Jordan


Using Al Mujib wildlife natural reserve in Jordan as a case study (one of the largest reserves in Jordan established in 1987, and the lowest elevation of about -400m on earth), this paper, is an attempt to address assisting and developing ecotourism sustainability to initiate the role of planning and management using spatial documentation in nature reserves, focusing on the existing situation, the cultural significance, the constraints, the threats and other planning and management aspects that the reserve is facing. The paper attempts to develop a platform for government officials, scholars, co-management practitioners and key stakeholders to discuss the issue of sustainability enhancement and management of the reserve, in relation to a GIS monitoring data base.

GIS, Spatial Analysis, Monitoring, Site Management, Ecological Sustainability

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(a). IEEE Format:
[1] Naif A.Haddad , Sharaf A. Al-kheder , Leen A. Fakhoury , "Al Mujib Natural Reserve in Jordan: - Towards an Assessment for Sustainable Ecotourism Management Plan Utilizing Spatial Documentation," Natural Resources and Conservation, Vol. 1, No. 3, pp. 65 - 76, 2013. DOI: 10.13189/nrc.2013.010302.

(b). APA Format:
Naif A.Haddad , Sharaf A. Al-kheder , Leen A. Fakhoury (2013). Al Mujib Natural Reserve in Jordan: - Towards an Assessment for Sustainable Ecotourism Management Plan Utilizing Spatial Documentation. Natural Resources and Conservation, 1(3), 65 - 76. DOI: 10.13189/nrc.2013.010302.