Advances in Economics and Business Vol. 6(3), pp. 190 - 200
DOI: 10.13189/aeb.2018.060305
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North East Region and Arunachal Pradesh (India) - Looking beyond & within in Pursuit to Promote Entrepreneurship

Sukamal Deb *
Ministry of Micro, Small & Medium Enterprises, Khadi & Village Industries Commission, Government of India, India


Entrepreneurs shape economic destiny of nations. Their innovative ideas are major source of competitiveness in an increasingly globalizing world economy. Without a strong entrepreneurial community the developing countries will not prosper despite their rich resource endowments. India is a young country with about 63 per cent population in the working age group. This demographic dividend needs to be en-cashed with priorities. Engagements of the youths in creative pursuits, embracing entrepreneurship will bring steadiness to the growth curve and socio-economic transformation. Regional disparities of this country are an issue of concern. In this context focus on the North East Region in general and the state of Arunachal Pradesh in particular are more relevant. The problem of this region can be tackled by harnessing entrepreneurship, by promoting Micro and Small Enterprises. This needs creation of an ecosystem grooming the youths with the relevant skills, inspiring motivation, igniting entrepreneurship and innovations. The present century has thrown up unfamiliar challenges. The pace of change has been fast and our youths have to synchronize them to face these challenges at fast track. An essential way to motivate youths is to celebrate their entrepreneurship, their innovations and their stories of success need to be told.

Entrepreneurship, North East Region, Arunachal Pradesh, Skill Development, Tribal

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[1] Sukamal Deb , "North East Region and Arunachal Pradesh (India) - Looking beyond & within in Pursuit to Promote Entrepreneurship," Advances in Economics and Business, Vol. 6, No. 3, pp. 190 - 200, 2018. DOI: 10.13189/aeb.2018.060305.

(b). APA Format:
Sukamal Deb (2018). North East Region and Arunachal Pradesh (India) - Looking beyond & within in Pursuit to Promote Entrepreneurship. Advances in Economics and Business, 6(3), 190 - 200. DOI: 10.13189/aeb.2018.060305.