Universal Journal of Management Vol. 6(2), pp. 51 - 58
DOI: 10.13189/ujm.2018.060202
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Exploring the Socio-economic Effects of the Community Tourism Fund to the Local Community, Maasai Mara National Reserve

Mark Lari Letoluo *, Lawrence Wangombe
Hospitality and Tourism Department, Mount Kenya University, Kenya


This study evaluates the socio-economic effects of tourism development on the local community in Narok County, Kenya. It uses descriptive and inferential statistics, the county wants to utilize tourism as an economic development tool to reduce poverty and increase socio-economic wellbeing. Tourism has profound effects on the local community of the destination as it brings economic and socio-cultural changes. Some of the positive economic impacts include; increased direct and indirect employment, enhanced standard of living, more investments, infrastructural development, and new business linkages and opportunities. Some of the identified negative economic impacts include, increased income disparity, increased land price and rent, price hike of essential goods and services, seasonality effects and leakage of earnings. From the findings majority of the tourism assets and well-paid jobs are enjoyed by nonlocal whereas the local community does not benefit its rightful share due to uneven benefit distribution. Major positive socio-cultural impacts include: increased women participation and empowerment, increase in the level of education, enhanced social security and safety. Some negative socio-cultural impacts are grabbing of land from the poor, increased social gap, social disorder and loss of cultural originality. The local community is involved in tourism activities but are not fully involved in the decision making process. This study reveals that the local community is not fully involved in policy formulation process and most stake holders do not consider the socio-economic impacts of tourism development on the local community. Some recommendations are made for the Development of Tourism in Narok County to maximize positive impacts and minimize negative impacts.

Community Tourism Fund, Tourism, Local Community

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[1] Mark Lari Letoluo , Lawrence Wangombe , "Exploring the Socio-economic Effects of the Community Tourism Fund to the Local Community, Maasai Mara National Reserve," Universal Journal of Management, Vol. 6, No. 2, pp. 51 - 58, 2018. DOI: 10.13189/ujm.2018.060202.

(b). APA Format:
Mark Lari Letoluo , Lawrence Wangombe (2018). Exploring the Socio-economic Effects of the Community Tourism Fund to the Local Community, Maasai Mara National Reserve. Universal Journal of Management, 6(2), 51 - 58. DOI: 10.13189/ujm.2018.060202.