Universal Journal of Agricultural Research Vol. 6(1), pp. 23 - 30
DOI: 10.13189/ujar.2018.060104
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Detection of Blast Resistant Gene in Rice by Host-pathogen Interaction and DNA-Marker

Mohammod Hossain 1,*, Md Ansar Ali 2, Mohammad Delwar Hossain 3, Md Abu Taher Mia 1
1 Plant Pathology Division, Bangladesh Rice Research Institute, Bangladesh
2 Bangladesh Rice Research Institute, Bangladesh
3 Department of Plant Pathology, Faculty of Agriculture, Bangladesh Agricultural University, Bangladesh


Rice blast disease caused by Pyricularia oryzae is a major disease in Bangladesh. In the search of resistant source against P. oryzae, resistant gene (R-gene) was assessed by (i) host-pathogen interaction and (ii) PCR-based screening at the laboratory of Bangladesh Rice Research Institute. One hundred and forty four plant materials were classified into 10 cultivar groups (CG) based on their reaction patterns to four distinct blast isolates (SDBI; standard differential blast isolate) H-11-64, H-1-8, H-1-1 and H-11-67. The reaction patterns of plant materials to these four standard blast isolates indicated presence of Pish, Pi9, Pita2 and Pita genes and their combination in the genetic background of tested plant materials. Gene specific primer 195R-1/195F-1, Pita440 (YL153)/Pita440 (YL154), OSM89 and AOL45/AOL48 were used to identify and confirm the presence of Pi9, Pita, Pita2 and Pish genes in plant materials, respectively through PCR-based assay. Plant materials, H13, H23, H25, H35, H47, H49, H136, H138 harbored all three genes, Pita, Pita2 and Pish in their genetic background. The Pi9 gene together with Pita2 was detected in local rice cultivar H100 and H129, which were confirmed by DNA analysis in PCR assay. These materials could be used in gene pyramiding in promising high yielding cultivar for durable blast resistance.

Rice, Standard Differential Blast Isolates, R-gene, DNA-Marker

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(a). IEEE Format:
[1] Mohammod Hossain , Md Ansar Ali , Mohammad Delwar Hossain , Md Abu Taher Mia , "Detection of Blast Resistant Gene in Rice by Host-pathogen Interaction and DNA-Marker," Universal Journal of Agricultural Research, Vol. 6, No. 1, pp. 23 - 30, 2018. DOI: 10.13189/ujar.2018.060104.

(b). APA Format:
Mohammod Hossain , Md Ansar Ali , Mohammad Delwar Hossain , Md Abu Taher Mia (2018). Detection of Blast Resistant Gene in Rice by Host-pathogen Interaction and DNA-Marker. Universal Journal of Agricultural Research, 6(1), 23 - 30. DOI: 10.13189/ujar.2018.060104.